Religion Rants/ Vince the Douche Bag


Civics class on Thursday. We got to run for Class President. Anyone could, but you needed a speech. That's what I thought until we had a sub. She didn't care. 

So Nosa and Vince get up there. And they begin. "If you vote us president, we will take all the gays, Mexicans, gay Mexicans, Muslims and ISIS people and but them in Arkansas. Then build a wall..... [insert more ridiculous things]"

By Friday afternoon, everyone knew about what he said. 

He insulted gays, Mexicans, and Islamic People just to get a laugh he never received. 

The most hurt was Batool, my best friend whose family is from Pakistan. "I thought we were friends," She told me, arms crossed as we waited for the bus. "But I guess not."

We watched him as he went to the Parent Pick Up lane. Then we began to talk to each other about religion.    

"I don't understand Christianity.," She told me.

"I don't either," I replied truthfully. 

"I mean, why would there be more than one God? Why would he put himself in a human?"

"Trust me, Batool. I have no idea. Ask Kendall or Ekene (both Catholics.) "

"Bye, Emily. My bus is here."  Batool left me, even more confused about my religion.

Religion confuses me. I don't understand why we have so many (Christians, Jewish, Atheists, Muslims, Catholics, etc.) I've been thinking about it to my self until lately. "Am I a Christian?" I never go to church. 

I remember my mom telling me God created everything. I also remember, when I asked why don't we go to church, her saying, "Because all you need to know is to love everyone like Jesus did. Believe in God. And I don't need a Pastor telling me that." 

God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit (Trinity) have all been taught to me so long I don't know if they're real anymore. 

But so long I don't want to give it up.

I go to a Christian camp. Next summer will be my 6th year. I started going so I could swim and ride horses, not make a connection to God. And when I'm at camp? No pulling connection. I don't feel.... anything.

So any people out there who might have an answer for me: 

How does God connect to you?

Why did God have a son?



  1. God connects to me through His amazing love. He sent His only son into the earth to die on a tree for you and me. He sent His son many years ago through Mary and Joseph and His son, Jesus, died on a cross years later to be tormented and hurt so that we could be free. Wouldn't you love to love like that? Gosh, it must have been very hard for God to send His son into a sinful world to DIE. To be spit at and tormented and treated like a thief when Jesus didn't sin at all in His life. But that wasn't all! Jesus rose from the DEAD by the power of his Father 3 days later and ascended to Heaven.

    I believe that Heaven and hell and real. I believe that if you don't have the right relationship with God you will go to hell and be burned forever. And if you are right with God and you love Him you will be blessed and will spend eternity with Him in Heaven above.

    Why did God have a son? : God had a son to die for you and me. So that we could live a life free. To be honest, that's all I really know about that question. God had a son so that He could send His son, so that me and you could live here today without worries of the future or to be self-conscience about that new sweater.

    God is loving. All He wants is for us to live a life that's pure and glorious. But Adam and Eve sinned and now we live in a messed up world.

    I've been having trouble with how God is going to use me and what my purpose really is on this earth. I don't understand a lot of things. Like why people have to die. Or why there are pops and bullies. Why can't life be perfect? I guess because it's life.

    If you are far off from God, maybe you should come back to Him. Say a prayer that you surrender to Him and let Him use you. Let Him show you how you can be a light in the world. I've always wanted to make a difference and this is where you and I can start...By saying a prayer of forgiveness. Ask God to use you to witness to others and comfort others in their times of need. If you aren't sure how to witness go to church and ask the pastor or a Sunday school teacher. Go to church when you are hurting or when you are happy. Be grateful to Him for everything that happens in life. He deserves honor and glory. He created the heavens and the earth. If you are also confused after that...Read a Bible. It has life applications.

    I believe in going to church and I go every time there is a service. No, it doesn't embarrass you. And once you get to know everyone there they become your family. They pray for you and they love you. They look out for you.

    At my church, we recently had a little prayer time for the girl teens and young girls. An older lady stood behind me and she began to pray for me. I heard her words and I felt like I should've known her more because she knew "me". What I struggled with and everything about me. Usually I probably would've been like "STALKER!" but there was a comforting peace about it. She knew who I was and I didn't really know her. If you know what I mean. I was peaceful because she loved me.

    I guess my point here is that God is real. He wants you. He wants you to come back to Him, Emily. He wants to love you. It is an unwrappable, unbeatable, unchanging, unshaking, and amazing love. Give your life to Him and He will bless you.

    I hope I helped.

    Allie D.

  2. I'm a Christian, so I will try and answer on of your questions. God sent His son to die on the cross for our sins. He loved us that much to send Him, that way we could be saved and not go to Hell. As a second Christian (like your parents became Christians, then you grew up in a Christian home.) you often start to ask questions. I know I have. With Jesus dying on the cross for us, it clicked for me awhile back ago. I mean imagine, send your own son to die for people on who didn't deserve it. But God loved us that much! Can you even imagine? A God who loves you that much Emily? Maybe you should get into your Bible and read. Praying to God is good to.
    Hope I helped.

  3. I just wanted to say I know how you feel with all the confusion, I went through kinda the same thing.
    My family is Christian, we used to go to church every week, and I went to vacation bible school, and all the bible camps and everything, but I sorta was there for the activities like you said, rather than sitting and listening to all the stories like they were something I was supposed to believe or anything, I was just sorta there because that's where my parents sent me. But even after all of that, I just never felt a connection or anything either, it just never came to me. Of course I don't make fun of any religions or anything because of it, because for a lot of people, their religion is very important to them, whether or not I fully understand why they believe what they do.
    I guess this doesn't really answer your question, but I just wanted to let you know you're not the only one, and I am currently looking for the same answers you are, so hopefully we both find it. :} Good luck at camp next summer!!

  4. Vince needs to be shunned. That is all I have to say about him. Otherwise I will become angry thinking about him and his wrongdoings.
    What a dick.

    As for the god thing, I had decided a while back that Christianity really isn't my thing. Or, at least, the bible isn't. There's a lot of Vince-like things in there that bother me. And it makes God seems a little trigger happy.
    But Jesus- he was a pretty cool dude, just wandering around the desert, hanging out, being a nice person in general. So like. You probably don't need to feel like you're 100% talking to/have a relationship with divine powers upstairs. You can use Jesus as a role model(that could be the answer to your son question), and appreciate life, and be a nice, un Vince(and other forms of dickhead)-like person, trying to make the world a better place, and you'll probably be pretty happy with yourself. And if there is no heaven or hell to get into, you can die with the satisfaction knowing that you made other people happy and made a bit of a difference.

    My aunt says that God is love. And when you're just grooving on life and doing great things, that's god. She finds it to be more of a feeling than an entity.
    You say you feel nothing.
    What do you expect to feel?
    Perhaps you need a different way of thinking about it.
    Everyone, as far as I can tell, has a different version of God or some form of higher power. Mine is the person I want to be, I suppose. Not really a divine entity, but a concept in my head, something I want to work towards.

    There's also Paganisim, which I have looked into a little bit. It's hard to tell what's going on, since there is no book. There is only the wind in the trees and the babble of streams. Some people worship a God and a goddess, some people worship Mother Earth as a goddess, and then there are people who step outside and just really appreciate nature.

    Personally, I think it's absolutely fine to pick and choose bits of different religions to build your own, if you think it'll make you a better person.

  5. First, I would like to start a petition to put that fiend Vince in Arkansas and build a wall around him.
    Second, I will make you and Patool Rulers of the World, and I will be Keeper of the Keys to Arkansas, Land of the Douche Bags.
    I'm afraid I can't be of much help. I know I identify as Christian on here (bc that's the most simple way to put it), but in reality my stance on religion is a bit....more....complicated. I'd be, if we were being technical, more of an Agnostic-Meditative-Atheist-Half-Christian. Er. Let me explain that.
    I don't know if a god exists. Of any "proof" I have ever heard of, there does not seem to be anything that proves, to me, at least, that one does or doesn't.
    In the case that a god doesn't exist, that makes it much easier for me to live a "good" life, as it's by my own standards instead of the god's (if it is that sort of god - who knows?).
    If there is a god, then who's to say it's the Catholic or Christian god? Who's to say it's not Allah, or YHWH (although technically that's the same as the Christian god, but different beliefs do still apply), or Baal, or multiple gods, or anything? Who's to say it's not any of those who have it right after all, but the Pagans or the Secularists? If we establish that there is, indeed, a god, it will take another round of proof/convincing to convince me which god(s) to believe in, and even then I'll likely be an extreme moderate and not an Orthodox.
    Sometimes I'm atheist, sometimes I'm agnostic, sometimes I'm Christian. I'm just in that period of my life where I'm still deciding.
    However, regardless of my position on religion, I do find great spiritual comfort and inner peace in meditation, prayer, reading the Bible, and reflective journaling in those little Christian reflective books (you know, those questions like How can I live out x Commandment in my life?). Even on those days when I'm atheistic or agnostic, I always feel better after a prayer or some meditating. Even if I'm 100% convinced I'm praying into empty air, it still feels nice. So that's why I identify as Christian on here - even though I'm atheistic most of the time, I still employ some traditionally Christian practices in my life as de-stressers, and I was brought up Catholic. Also because I don't want to let go of religion totally either - even if I don't believe in the core stuff, keeping the practices is nice because it takes away some of the cold, empty sting about the universe atheism implies.
    I don't go to Mass either - I used to, but then we got this horribly sexist, racist, fire-and-brimstone dude as our Pastor (He has said, among other things, "I know not a lot of priests like to address the issue of men and women, but I'm going to: In this Bible verse, Paul says that a woman must always follow the lead of the man. And this is true - even in 2015.") He has also said that Islam is a "dark stain" the "light of Christianity must eradicate from this earth". (He would be good friends with Vince.) So my dad stopped making me go.
    Sorry I made this comment all about me, but I'll try to answer your questions:
    1. I don't know. I don't think it's God specifically, but more the idea of a god, or a perpetual friend/comforting presence. And who wouldn't like that?
    2. This I can help a bit more on. The general consensus (at least, in the Catholic church, but I'm sure it's probably similar in your denomination), is that humanity was messing up so badly God had to come down himself to shape us up instead of just sending a prophet or Judge like had worked previously. As to the whole "son" thing, that's a lot of take-it-on-faith jazz to me personally, although I'm sure Kathryn or Morgan could explain it logically.

  6. Emily, Christianity isn't a "religion" as most people say. It's a choice. It's faith. Jesus sent His one and only Son to this earth, to die for us. For our sins. Why? Because He loves us. (John 3:16) God has a Son so He could die for us to save us from our sins.

    Live your life for Christ. Pray without ceasing, read your Bible. It's a love letter you know, God's love letter for us. God talks to us through His Word. God connects to me, through His word, and other people who live their lives for Christ. They shine the Light. Connecting to God often isn't a "feeling" it's a trust. You have to have faith.

    Stay strong, Emily. Never falter. Be a soldier for Christ! God IS real. He is there for you. He's just waiting, don't wander from Him. Life isn't about being "happy," isn't about serving Christ and living life for Him.

    I'll be praying for you, Emily. <3

  7. I am really sorry that you are going theough such a difficult time, Emily. So I will try to explain the Truth to you as best as I can. :)

    Your parents love you, don't they? They let you go to dance lessons, they give you clothes, they provide a nice warm house along with food. Well, imagine that love, only a thousand times stronger. That is God's love for you. I'm not saying that your parents' love is bad, I'm just saying that God has an even greater love. He loved you SO much that He sent His son, the ONLY child He had, to DIE on a cross for you, me, and everyone in the world.

    "for God so loved the world, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life." -- John 3:16

    Just imagine how hard that would be for Him to have to gave up His son. Especially because we are sinners. We get angry, selfish, and prideful. We get violent, like steal, hurt, or even murder. If God hadn't sent His son, we would have to pay an IMMENSE penalty. Death. That's why God sent His son to do that instead. Jesus had lived a perfect life, He had NEVER done anything wrong. He was the perfect sacrifice, and because He died, we don't have to pay the penalty anymore. He did all that for YOU. God gave up His son to show you the amazing love He has for you.
    And that's not all.
    For after three days of being on the grave Jesus ROSE. He came back from the dead! And then He rose into the clouds, up to Heaven, to wait for us to meet Him there when our time on Earth has passed. Up in Heaven, your troubles are gone. There is no crying, no night, no sleepiness, no exhaustion, no sadness, no anger, no selfishness, none of the awful things that we have on Earth. So once we are up there, we will spend eternity, not ten thousand years, not even ten billion years, but ETERNITY up there with God and Jesus Christ with happiness and joy.
    So all you have to do Emily is believe. Believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Believe that God is real, that God loves you, and Jesus saved you. And then, when you die, your soul will go up to Heaven to be with the Lord forever.

    You don't have to do anything special, like do as many good things as you things as you can, or go to chruch EVERY Sunday. That's nice, and going to church will help you understand God's Word better, but all you have to do is believe in Him, and you will be saved.

    "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." -- Acts 16:31

    Now don't get me wrong, we Christians still sin. We aren't perfect little saints that never do anything wrong once we believe. But as soon as we become Christians, the Holy Spirit enters our bodies and helps us to try to do nice things to our fellow Christians and even unbelievers. We try to tell as many people as we can about God because if an unbeliever dies, they will spend eternity in Hell, the Lake of Fire.

    I know this is hard Emily, but just remember that me, Allie, Clara, Sarah, and many others will be praying for you. :) ❤️❤️

  8. hello Emily! my name is ashly. (my blog says my name is eva because that's my screen name) :)

    this is such a difficult subject and one that is often a struggle to understand.
    it looks like a lot of people have tried to help you understand, and i hope they've succeed, even if its just a little.

    being a Christian myself i would love to too.
    however, i'm not going to ramble on about everything (its not a simple subject) because i don't want this to become a monotone comment that you don't read or consider.

    in conclusion, Emily, i would like to offer you my email address. feel free to email me with questions, or if you would rather becomes friends first, just email me with fun facts about yourself. i'd love to get to know you better and become your friend.

    i have a passion for people and am always looking for new friends, both in real life and online. :) so don't be shy. <3 here's my email address: hope to receive one from you soon!

  9. Ik this post was from a while back but I still wanted to say something. there has been proof that God exists. people are actually finding things that were only written about in the Bible and nowhere else. God sent his son to Earth to show his love to us. he showed that he would do anything for us....even if it meant sacrificing his one and only son. something he loved very much. sometimes these things can seem hard to believe. but it's the truth. :) God loves you.


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