Meeting Moi


So, Kat and Noor have both done this so I have decided to jump on the band wagon as well-it looks super fun (And I love to read these types of posts). I don't know if any of you guys no me that well so I figured it might help.
Where do you live?
I live in The USA, but I'm not comfortable to say which state so, The East.
What is your family like?
I live in a crazy town of a house. My mom is super witty and sarcastic. My sister is funny (and sarcastic). My brother does anything to get attention. My dad and I, are well, the less crazy of the bunch.
What are some of your hobbies?
Dancing, reading, writing, photography, dreaming, sleeping, baking, cooking, and art.
Favorite books?
Books: (This changes 24/7, but at the moment:) The Lunar Chronicles, Anne of Green Gables, 19 Katherines, and I just love the witty Clarice Bean. I have been/will be obsessed with Divergent since, like, October 2014...  
How do you imagine your future life?
*In dramatic voice* After going to a performing arts college, Emily becomes a dancer for Disney. Then, once she falls in love, dramatically quits to become an imagineer. Once marrying her boyfriend, she adopts two kids then becomes a photographer. She does this all while blogging.
How old are you?
 13 and almost 1/2
Favorite authors?
Lauren Child, Veronica Roth, John Green, Marrissa Meyer, L.M. Montgomery. 
Are you a fangirl?
Hmm, let me think about it... YES!

What inspired you to create a blog?
Well, *Clears throat* on the last day of 2014, I was on my laptop, reading some blogs when an amazing idea hit me: I should start a blog. I figured it would be nice to have somewhere to put my musings and ideas and photography and my blog was started.
How long have you been blogging?
Ummm, less than 3 months.

How can I follow you?
Right now *SIGHS* only email because blogger is acting stupid and won't let me add the gadget to my blog. *Grumbles in annoyance*

Hey, if you made it, comment *Whoop Whoop* and feel free to do this too!


  1. Wow, great answers - it was super fun learning more about you! :)

    - Ellie


Hey! I'm glad you liked my post and thanks for taking the time to comment. Feel welcome to disagree with someone's comment, but please disagree nicely. The golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. ♥