713515620306 and WOTD


 (A number that means nothing to anyone but me)
HEY EVERYONE! I'M REALLY REALLY NERVOUS FOR TODAY BECAUSE I HAVE MY ALGEBRA STATE TEST. I AM REALLY SCARED AS I STINK AT MATH. And because Wednesday my teacher went all dragon on us and told us how we're going to fail. And how she's worried about us. (Great teacher, right?)So anyway, I'm trying to keep my mind off it and it's really hard. So, I wrote a WOTD. Here it is:

With a laugh that sparkled like sunlight on the water, Lucy dipped her feet into the cold, rippling water.
  "Lucy," Her sister, Anna, called. "We have to keep going- Papa wants to reach the campground by midnight." Lucy tried to stifle a sigh.
  Camping wasn't her thing. It was always Anna and Papa who faced the wilderness. Momma always stayed with Lucy while they went on the trips.
  "Our house has A.C., all the food you could eat and, get this, you don't have to pee by a tree or in a bush," Momma always said whenever Anna wanted her to come with.
  Lucy quickly pushed the memory away. It felt heavy in her chest, and hard to bear. Just like everything else in the last 8 weeks. Since her death.
  "Okay," Lucy said. "I'm coming." She reluctantly scoped up her shoes before stepping out of the stream. She met up with Anna, who was a few paces behind Papa.
  "Have you seen how happy? Papa's been since we planned this trip?" Anna asked. When Lucy nodded, she continued. "His face seems less gray."
  "And he doesn't act as tired too." In her head she added, I still don't like camping. The girls continued to hike up the mountain side. Everything seemed calm and peaceful. Until Papa shouted "Bear!" After that, everything was not.
Great story, right?
Will someone please comment
Don't worry Emily-the tests don't count for a grade. They don't matter. You'll do fine!

I need some encouragement. 


  1. Whenever I have a test I just breathe. Just breathe, Emily!

    Allie D.

  2. You'll do fine, girlie. ^-^
    Just do your best, as that's all you can do, and take pride in the fact that you tried. Don't let some wacked up teacher get you down. :)
    xo Adi

    1. Thanks Adi. And my teacher is a bit crazy...

  3. Yeah. Great teacher.
    I think you can handle it. The worst you could do is worry excessively. if it is for a grade, tell yourself that it isn't.
    Camping makes me happy too.

    1. I know right.
      Thanks Gwen.
      Me too.

  4. Anonymous29.5.15

    Good luck on that test! As my teacher would say, be smarter than the test and kick it's butt. I'm sure you'll do amazing! ^-^


    1. Thanks Watermelon! Your teacher sounds interesting...

  5. You'll do amazing, and even if your grade doesn't meet YOUR expectations, you'll know that you tried your hardest, and that's really the best you can do.
    BTW, I stink at math too. ; D

    That writing piece was amazing! I think it would make a good book.


    1. Thanks Kathryn. Yeah, I stink at math. Atleast I know I'm not alone...

      Thanks! I'll have to work on it...

  6. Literally you'll do fine. What matters is that you try your hardest and don't worry too much. I suck at math, too, so I gets it. No worries, you'll so awesome :).
    *sighs* I could never write modern fiction. I love your storyline!

    1. Thanks Elle. Yeah, and sucking at math isn't fun...
      Thanks about the story as well.

  7. You'll do great. ;) Just don't try too hard. Really, try not to try, it sounds weird, but it works. Plus, if you fail, the world won't end, keep that in mind.

  8. Hi Emily!
    I'm here to ask if you'd like to join my 20 Followers Contest. I think you'd really enjoy it. ;) No pressure though! I'm just telling a few people who I think would like it. :)

    1. Okay! I'm sorry I haven't already!

    2. No need to be sorry! I just thought you'd enjoy it. :)


Hey! I'm glad you liked my post and thanks for taking the time to comment. Feel welcome to disagree with someone's comment, but please disagree nicely. The golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. ♥