Truly Me~My opinoin


 I have to say, I really like this doll. Mainly because she looks like me when I was younger. Plus there's something about her that I really like. I just don't know what.
 I think this new doll is cute too, but my #25 looks like her too much for me to want to get her.
 This doll is something else all together. I love her eyes. Does anyone else know what color they are? I may be wanting to get her in the future...
 Honestly, I'm not to thrilled about this dress, The skirt would be okay but with the... interesting vest, not so much.
 Meh. Maybe I'm too critical, but I find this outfit a bit boring. The skirt seems slightly dull in my opinion.
 Honestly, I really like this dress. The design is super cute and I love the shoes. I wish it was a top and skirt though, because it would have more mix and match options.
 I like this outfit. There's a good bit of mix and matching quality. Plus I like the hoodie.
 Even though this is cute, not really for over 50 dollars.

I do like all the swirls and sketchy feel of the new theme. I especially like the new logog.
So that was my first doll post (and I think I'll post once a week with my dolls)
What do you think of Truly Me


  1. I love the sketchy theme of the logo, too! :) I really liked this post.
    Idk really about TM yet. I think it's not bad, not great, just all around kind of there. The color scheme is striking me as a little weird.
    I think that third new doll has amber eyes.

    - Ellie

    1. :)Thanks.
      Yeah, and I agree with the color scheme thought too.
      Amber eyes, I like that:)

  2. Anonymous21.5.15

    The third doll has amber eyes. 26 is the only other doll with those eyes. AG says they are brown, but I closely compared them, as I was at the store. I have some comparison pics that I will post as soon as I can get the stupid pictures transferred from a phone to my computer. (It's hard with Android and Apple)

    1. Yeah, I didn't think they were just brown. I can't wait to see the comparison post!

  3. I like the Truly Me design too! The first doll looks like me when I was younger too!

  4. I judge AG stuff entirely on: would I wear it?
    Going by that judgement, the only thing I like is the hoodie. You can never have enough hoodies.

    1. Yeah, I do that too. And I agree with the hoodie thing.

  5. I don't like how purply everything is. Not everyone who likes AG is five years old. They really need to come out with some more sophisticated outfits

    1. YES! I think they need some older girls designing outfits.


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