Embarassing Situations with an Ackward Teen: Part 1


  Embarassing situations are horrible, right? Well they're really bad for me.
These are some situations I've been in and solutions to them so no one else will face them without any knowledge.

Part 1: Teachers

Situation 1: You're at school when all of a sudden your math teacher comes up and starts to talk to you. About socks (and other weird things). You don't want to be rude by ignoring him/her. You also can't think of anything to say.
Solution: Nod politely and say "Yes," and "No." If anything, drag one of your near by friends into the conversation.

Situation 2: You're at a store (like a grocery store) and you see your very mean teacher (who hates you) buying groceries. (Because yes, unfortunately, teachers don't live at school)
Solution: Duck into the next aisle, pretend you don't notice the teacher, or talk to another family member. NEVER TALK OR STARE AT THE TEACHER. What they're buying may scar you.

Situation 3: When a teacher calls on you and you A)didn't have your hand in the air. B) Don't know the answer and C) Refuse to let you not answer.
Solution: Don't sit their with your mouth hanging open and a blank look in your face. Also, don't fidget and look uncomfortable. Teachers feed on the vulnerable. Instead guess. Or flat out say you don't know.

Sorry for the lack of posts. This week has just slipped away from me with state tests and projects and such. I have planned more posts, so bear with me.

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