Tegan and Basil Part 1


  It was 9 o clock on Saturday night when we were found wandering about the ends of Providence, Rhode Island. I, myself personally, was surprised it took more than an hour for them to find us in the small town. (After all, there isn't many places you can look after you check main street and the neighborhoods. That the adults know of)
  One minute, we were gazing at the stars and moon, so bright and far away. We laid together in a feild, watching the summer night go by. Soon I got tired, and so did Basil. So we started to walk all the way home.
  We stopped, dead in our tracks when the head lights from a car blinded us. Squinting, I tried to make out the face of the person who found us. It wasn't until he got out of the car when I realized it was Cliff, one of our neighbors.
  "Tegan?" He asked as the stout man climbed out of his car when he saw me. Then he noticed Basil beside me. "Basil? You too? I suppose Tegan's spirit has gotten into you, 'eh?" With a gruff laugh he shuffled over to us. "Your parents have been looking for you."
  "Are you going to make us come back?" I asked with a quiver in my voice.
  "Please don't!" Basil cried. "Our parents will be so mad at us!"
  Cliff sighed. "Listen, as much as I would like to let you go... I can't. It would be irresponsible for a mature, elderly man like me to let a pair of six year olds out by themselves."
  Basil frowned, mirrioring my own face. Reluctantly we plied into the back of his car.
  In the back seat, we whispered amongst ourselves. "We can't tell anyone how we got out," Basil said referring to the secret exit into and out of his backyard. All it is was a gate concealed by some bushes.
  I nodded. I was almost seven and I knew when to keep a secret- our town was small, and rumors spread like wild fires.
  "Promise?" Basil asked and held up his pinkie.
  "Promise," I replied and linked mine with his.
  A secret I met to keep.
  A promise I never imagined he would break.
  Until we did.
So, that was part 1 of my story. Right now I'm calling it Tegan and Basil because I don't have a name (suggestions welcome!). I hope you like it. I think I will mostly write it this month in this format. 
But here's a bit of info on Providence, Rhode Island:
SO this is where I got the info on this little town. I wanted the setting to be real, but small and quaint. I looked up 'small towns' on pinterest and when this image came up I became charmed with this little town:D
Here is this weeks Modest Outfits to Bless! This week's theme is Red:



  1. Thanks for asking, my Saturday was good! I had a fun time with family. :)

    Allie D.

  2. When will you post your writing contest results?

    1. On Wednesday they will be up:D

  3. I had a dance recital in early May and almost every show I was dancing en pointe, and of course I cut my nails too short and by the last show it hurt to put them on >< I'm loving chocolate covered pineapple!

  4. Yikes! My dance recital is in a little over 3 weeks -- good thing I'm only in 2 dances! Though next year I'm taking two ballet, and will be possibly starting pointe, and also jazz and lyrical. So....5+ classes. My recital will be interesting. ;)

    Also, congrats on winning an award!
    Sorry about your feet. :( No fun.


    P.S. - Saturday I cleaned my whole room. -_- Not fun.

    1. oooh, yes.
      Thanks and yes!


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