I Live For...


I live for....

Attempting a quadruple pirouette and landing it cleanly. (I will do this eventually. I hope)

Reading 2-3 300 page books a day.

Laughing with my friends and not caring if anyone's watching.

Going to the library.

Watching the stars.

Drinking Starbucks.

Seeing wild flowers growing on the edge of my line.

Feeling the long grass against my legs.

Ocean waves and the smell of sea salt.

Watching snow fall gently from my window.

Fleece Balankets.

Drinking tea or hot coco.


Fuzzy socks and thick sweaters or cardigans.

Getting a compliment without trying.

Traveling around the world and solving my wanderlust.

Watching Netflix with my polar bear slippers on.

Bath and Body Works perfume.

Hearing a new song and loving it.

Choreographing a solo dance that I love.

Baking my own cupcake recipe from scratch, and not failing.


Seeing the sunrise.

Having hope.
I needed this. 
Today we got casted for our theater play 

(theater is my elective)

First of all, the teacher decided to have a play with the main role as a guy.
The problem is there's only 3 boys. And they all are in 6th grade-they never have taken theater.

I didn't get a role at all. 

When I heard that, I may have freaked out on the inside. 

This is my 3rd year in theater. This is my 5th school play I have had a good sized role every year and now...


WTF Mr. Theater Teacher?

So now I have to spend the next few weeks in theater doing lord knows what while I have to memorize someone else's lines and never do anything with them: no preforming or anything. 


I've already cried, so idk what to do. 

Learn the ines and forget about it, I suppose.



  1. Those are some very good things to love for and I think you should have gotten a part in that play

  2. Your Theater Teacher sounds very unintelligent. He is now shunned.
    I kind of get how you feel except it's the opposite way around. I always liked being backstage, but Mrs. Morgan forced me to be an extra last year when I didn't want to. It sucked :P But your situation sounds a lot worse. You're very talented, and your theater teacher needs to get his head screwed on straight. Until then, perhaps you can take the extra downtime to stare at Green Bean.

    1. He's very flaky. We shall ostracize him immediately.
      ugh. Life is annoying sometimes, isn't it?
      I'm glad you think that about me, though.

  3. Starbucks is life I tell ya man.
    Hot cocoa is amazing.
    NETFLIXXX. *cough*
    Your theater teacher sounds awful. I do not like him.
    Here is what you do: you go buy something from Bath and Body Works or somewhere else. Treat yourself, make yourself feel better. Then use the lord knows what time as a study hall or something. Get homework done so you don't have to do it at home. Or stare at random objects to try to develop telekinesis and move them. Or do a small project - like keep a log of observations you make about people and theater practice or try to fill a notebook with song lyrics and/or quotes you like.
    I hope you feel better soon, darling. <3

    1. YASSS.
      Aww thanks for the ideas Waverly! Today was our first day of rehersal, and I mostly doodled in the margin of my script. I like the telekenesis one.<3

  4. Those are all very good things to live for.

    I really don't know what to tell you about the theatre thing.
    What the "it builds character" person tells you: maybe being the understudy will help you step back and learn the finer goings on of acting, seeing everyone's little techniques and how you could have done it better.
    What the overly concerned parent tell you: I really don't see how you are going to learn to act if you can't even be in the play. U need real experience, gurl.
    What Captain Obvious says: you can't always get what you want...
    What the indignant parent says: AH CANT BELIEVE THEY DIDNT SEE MAH BABY'S TALENT!!!! : ( : (
    What I say: huh. ... Better hope someone gets sick so you can go be awesome in their place. Who should we poison first?

    1. Why thank you.

      I guess that is life. My mom was surprised.
      I was thinking Caroline..... My friend Batool knows a guy..

  5. I can feel you about the theatre. My best friend got the best role in our play and I only got one line. And I am better at him in EVERYTHING!!! I'm not even kidding.

    I live for Starbucks too, Emily. I live for StarBucks too.

    Can I use this idea for my next post? I will defo give you a mention as well as your link!!

    The Writer Xx

    1. Ugh. That SUCKS.

      Go Starbucks. Go starbucks.

      Of course! Go right ahead and I would love to read it!

    2. Thank you so much!! I will upload as soon as possible

      The Writer

    3. Great! I can't wait to read it!

  6. Oh, that sucks! You really should have gotten a part, hopefully next time.

    I just. Netflix is amazing. Adding slippers to the mix just makes it even better.

  7. I love everything on this list! :) It really sucks that you didn't get the part, hopefully next time!

    1. Thanks Arushee! I hope so too!

  8. Thanks for giving me credit, love!
    Isn't Starbucks honestly the best place ever?? I think I could live there if I had to. Amazing stuff.
    Sorry to hear about the role, that's totally stupid. I'm sure you're an amazing actress. Learn those lines and OWN those lines of you ever get to perform them for the director. Show him what he's missing.
    - Leah

    1. No problem Leah!
      It. Totally. Is.
      Yes, that is what I should do!

  9. We are literally the same person I swear.
    I'm so sorry to hear about the role. :-/ I totally understand that feeling..


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