Leaving this Town


I finally wrote a monologue! 
I'm hoping they will be easier as I do them more often.
I hope you like it:

Leaving this Town
Everyone around here hates this town. They say ‘when I’m 18, I’ll get out of here’ and yet, no one ever leaves. Until me. I am determined to leave this crummy town and nothing you say can change my mind. And don’t beg me to stay-I’ve been obeying too many orders in my life.
At a young age, my mom died. My dad was so heart broken-the next day he went out and met my step mom. After they became married, I realized I had two new older sisters, Minzi and Trilla. A year later, just as I was getting used to having two awful sisters, my father died.
Without my father there, Minzi and Trilla were allowed to torture me in any way they pleased: My step mother never paid attention to me. I might as well have been living in some Cinderella story! Before school, they made me sweep the chimney and clean out the shed-the dirtiest work. At school, they tried to embarrass me in any way possible. I ended up only having one friend-you. And at home, they worked me until it was time to go to bed.
So, yes, if I leave I would be leaving you, my only friend. You're the only thing keeping me here. But, if I go, I will get to have freedom and adventure. Guaranteed, there is no prince charming waiting for me here in rusty town. And even if there was, why would he fall in love with me?  I'm not Cinderella.
So I'm leaving this town. 

Um, yeah.
It needs more work.


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