The Not so Perfect Child Monolog


I have been wanting to write a monolog, but I don't know were to start. Instead I've been looking up monologs on line
I found this monolog that a girl in my theatre class did. It was amazing!
You hate me don't you? I am never good enough for you. No matter what I do it's not as good as my sister.  I always have to hear how she would have done it better.  Or how she already did it better. Why does she want to ruin my life?  She just wants to blot me out like I was some sort of mistake... I'm just a copy... A copy of a copy... Not as good as the original... Not as good as you. You are so perfect... Everyone around me is so perfect... And there was nothing left over for me... I am the leftover failures... I am the fatty waste you toss to the dogs. Everyone hates me!  Why does everyone think I am so horrible.. Probably because I am.  A horrible creature doomed to walk this earth and suffer... For you. I'm hurting... Hurting so bad inside.  Cut off from everyone ... Punished for some past life wrongs... What did I do in a past life to deserve this... Or am I paying for the sins of my father... And mother... Am I your sin?  Or do I remind you of some sin you want to forget? Or I am a disappointment that keeps disappointing.  I even disappoint myself. I will never be my sister.  I don't want to be her.  I hate everything about her! But I don't want to be me either.  Sometimes I want to fade away... Become a shadow... Fading away... Forgotten... Maybe if you forget about me I won't make you so sad anymore.

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