Keep Going~Chapter 2


(If you haven't read Chapter One)
I sigh. The time has come to make my choice: Weather I go through the thick rose bushes or I don't and I have to find my way through another way. 
 "Doing this for you, Elaine," I mumble to my self as I walk over to where there is a small gap in between rose bushes. 
 Making my body as small as it can go, I squeeze through. The flowers' genital petals brush my face like licks of summer sunshine. When the thorns cut into my bare arms and legs, I close my eyes tight. I come out of the bush quickly and check my cuts. 
 "They don't look that bad," a voice says behind me. 
 I turn around to see a small cottage in the middle of the woods. Dirty, worn brick piles up to make the walls. The windows are broken, some missing, and the shutters hang off at weird angles. The only thing perfectly intact is the bright teal door with a single vine of roses cascading down the side and front of the cottage. Everything around the cottage is silent. No animals chirp to themselves, no wind decides to erupt the peaceful scene. The only noise I hear is the voice of a young boy in front of me. 
 "'Ello! My name is Charlie, but I wish I had a fancier name like Toby or Mac," Charlie rambled as he skipped over to the cottage. This young boy, Charlie, was skipping over to the cottage. "So what brings you to my cottage?"
 "You live here?" I ask Charlie.
 "Yup, ever since she came," He replied with a smile that reveals the gaps in his mouth were teeth aren't yet.
 "She? Who's she?"
 "Elaine Devenouto. She came here and dusted off the whole cottage. She came here every day to visit me. And the others."
 "Can I come in?" I ask quickly and head for the door once I realize that Elaine must be in there. Charlie has no choice but to follow.
Hello everyone. 
How are you today?
I think I'm mostly okay.
But I just watched Gravity Falls latest episode.
Does any one else watch Gravity Falls?


  1. I love Charlie. He is the best. <3

    - Ellie

    1. Thanks Ellie! Charlie is my favorite character in this story too.

  2. I don't know why it took me so long to see this. But I have found it and now we're good.
    Who are "the others"?

    1. It took me so long to find this! THe'll find out!


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