Keep Going~The title of my story (until I think of another one)


"Elaine's work," I muttered to myself. On the old wooden table sat a piece of thick, white paper. In her perfect loopy hand writing she wrote, 'keep going'. If that wasn't obvious enough, she left flowers every where. I brush the flowers off the table and sigh. The search for sister was not easy. 
When Elaine took off, less than 24 hours ago, she only left one note. It read "Come and find me darling Gracie! It'll be an adventure! Just look for the flowers! Love Elaine." When I read it, all I could think of what I would do to when I find her. But for now, I needed to focus on finding Elaine first. 
So far, I followed a trail of flowers into the woods, down to a small pond. Once I reached the pond, a note was pinned onto the thin tree saying "You made it this far-you've got this!" So I had to walk around the pond to a opening from the trees in the clearing (and that's where I found the "keep going" note.) 
Still mumbling to myself, I continued to walk through the tall green grass that swayed with the whisper of a breeze. After walking for what felt like forever, I reached the end of a clearing-a bush, thick with light pink roses, blocked my path. Unable to see through the dense bush, I looked around. The bush looked like a continuous stream of roses and thorns, but I saw the slightest clearing in between two bushes a few feet away. As I was about to push my way through, I stopped. Going through the bushes meant being scraped by the thorns. And there must be some other way around, at least, I hope. I have to decide. And quickly.
I hope you like this story. I was considering weather or not she goes through or not. What do you think she should do?


  1. Yes, of course I like your story (like all of them)
    : )
    I say the pulls her socks up higher and plows through the brambles.
    This is just a game, right? No urgent sister finding going on here?
    I like how you always find (find, right? Not take?) these pretty, whimsical pictures and write about them.

    1. Thanks Gwen! Yup, it is a game-I figured her sister wanted to see how far she would go to find her.

  2. I love the opening line - it gets you hooked right away! :)

    - Ellie

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Rukiya! I'm glad you liked the post and I'm happy to check out your blog!


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