

Thanks for always being there for me when Maggie, my good ol' lab died. 
(I'm fairly certain you cried more than I did) I appreciate the moments when you listened to what I said.

I'm so happy you kept the conversation going for that bus ride the other day.

-Chickens (Emma, Sam, Catherine, Riley, and Lilia)
I will never forget that dance convention from last November.

-Jazz teacher from convention
When we called out "Go chickens!" to each other, we weren't calling each other names.

You aren't that good of a dancer.
And you are annoying.
I'll keep being your friend though because you need me.

I don't like you or your stupid brother Eric.

When you turn around and the sub calls you a 'Miss' you should probably cut your hair.

You are a sucky dancer. Ashlynn and I agree.
 whether you like it or not. 

I feel for you, dancing with Jaquline.
Don't stop dance, especailly modern.
(Your solo was amazing for that modern performance)

-Dr. Modern Teacher
Thank you for all the lifts in your dances
I can only be thrown in the air so much.

-A. Crew
You guys have been super nice to me this year.
I still don't like you because of last year.

Thanks for being my bestie at ODC.
Without you, I would have become friends with Dani.

Treat Savannah right or I will have Sam beat you up.

You and Corry= The Beannie Coupple!

You shouldn't have been on the smae level as the A. Crew, Savannah or I.

I'm sorry that we haven't kept in touch since you moved to NYC
You were super sweet and super funny.
Savannah told me you took up cheerleading.
I hope you like it!

-Mr. 2nd Grade teacher
You're warm hearted.
NOT cold hearted.

-Emily S.
I realize you're my height. (And in 4th grade)
At least you act mature. 
I'll probably always call you Emily *last name*

-Ms. Latin Teacher.
I hate your guts, period.
and you hate mine.

-Madam French teacher + Ms. Algebra teacher
If I don't raise my hand I
a) Don't know the answer or
b) Don't want to talk.

First of all, you don't have to do track if you don't want to.
Second of all, you are my best friend and bus buddy. Even if we don't ride the same bus any more.

You need to finish Divergent.

Thank you for always reading the same books with me: I can fan girl together and someone will actually listen.
I can't wait to read H2O

Mr. Catwinkle is next
(Inside joke)

I'm sorry that I don't want to be your friend.
But I can't forgive you for kicking Kendall out.

You are a much better friend then Autumn. Or Loni

-Ellie and Gwen
You guys are amazing internet people and I love your blogs.
Plus I love your sense of humor.

-Anyone who reads my posts
Thanks for actually caring about me and my pathetic life.
Well, I guess I jumped on the bandwagon for this post.
I hope you liked it.




  1. What just happened?
    I just got complimented.
    But what else?

    Where has this metaphorical bandwagon been traveling?- I haven't seen it past here before.

    Hm. I lack competence and/or understanding in this area of... Letters.

    I will be back when I get it!


    1. Well, Adi, Leah and Star girl all did it:
      It kind of started here:
      I decided to take part.

  2. "Treat Savannah right or I will have Sam beat you up." I love this ;)
    *gasps and falls to the floor*
    THANK YOU SO MUCH, DEAR! I love your blog, too. And your comments are always amazing :).

    - Ellie

    1. :D:D:D:D!
      Thanks Ellie!
      Your comments are too!


Hey! I'm glad you liked my post and thanks for taking the time to comment. Feel welcome to disagree with someone's comment, but please disagree nicely. The golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. ♥