Just some rambles if you want to read about my life...


Hello. Sorry for not posting in a while.

I've been super busy-I go on spring break in two weeks and all of a sudden teachers give us  mountains of homework and tests every other class. 
Plus it was my sister's birthday on Friday and all her friends came over for a sleep over on Saturday. At her birthday party, I about broke my toe after doing a handstand and coming out of it. Only I hit it on my shelf. (I did it in my closet) I hope that makes a bit of sense. 

Oh and happy first day of spring! (A few days late) I hope the weather has been nice where you live. It's been okay some days, but cold and rainy on others. 

I've been reading too. I read Anne of Avonlea again. It's always nice to visit my old friend, Anne;) Have you read any good books lately?

I've also been writing quotes and ideas and stuff down in a writing notebook I've started. I'm thinking up and Inspiration post for this blog.



  1. Yes, I like reading about your life- it makes my top 20 fun things to do list.

    No that didn't make one bit of sense. How could a handstand be done in a closet? That must be a real big closet!

    Right now I am re reading wildwood, off on my adventure through the Impassable Wilderness with Prue and Curtis. We've just met the coyote soldiers.

    Yay inspiration! Here's some for you: we are either alone in the universe or we are not. Both options are terrifying.


    1. I do too; peoples lives are very interesting!

      My closet is fairly wide but not deep, so I have enough room to do it one way.

      I looked Wildwood and it sounds really good! I love fantasy and science fiction novels.

      I think that is terrifying! At school one day my friends and I were talking about if there is like a twin of us on another planet or dimension out there. We also talked about how the world could end by an invisible giant kicking the earth out of orbit. (I have some crazy friends)


  2. Awesome post Emily! Check out my blog theres new posts. Please also check it out often. I will do the same for yours.


    1. Thanks Rukiya! I'll start today!


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