Facing Issues of Society no. 1~The 'Ideal' person


I believe I'm a therapist among my friends. Mainly because people naturally seem to entrust a ton of secrets to me and have a desire to tell me every detail of their lives no matter how boring. Part of that may be how I look 'trust worthy' and 'innocent'. Another part could be the fact that I don't gossip so my lips are zipped. At any rate, people enjoy talking to me about them selves. 

I truly wasn't surprised when my friend E* came to me today during lunch and talked to me. I was surprised to hear what it was about. My friend E is a strong person who can definatly joke and is highly amusing. Most people thinks she goofs off all the time and can be lazy. I know E better than that. I know she may appear to be self confident but doubts her abilities. She also can be serious, especially about school work, when she wants to be. 

E told me about numerous things going on in her life, but the most important thing was facing issues in society. She always feels like society is judging her and the truth is, it is.

Everyone has an image of how the ideal person in society should look, and nobody meets the idea. Some people except the fact and move on. Others try to change the idea of that perfect person. There are those people, a lot actually, who decide to be mean and hateful because they don't reach the idea. And lately, E's been feeling sad because of the people who judge her for being funny and acting self confident.

I understand how E feels-I feel the same way. Lot's of people judge me and think I'm always kind. And that one moment I snap and say something mean, they reply, "Woah, was that you Emily?" But the truth is, I am mean sometimes especially to my brother. I try to keep mean comments to my self. I'm human and sometimes those comments slip. So no, I don't fit the ideal person image. But I can try to be kind and help out people who are sad.

Lessons I've Learned:
~Don't try to change yourself to fit the image in everyone's head.
~True friends listen.
~Kindness does matter. 
I enjoy being kind.
I love to bring a smile on other peoples faces.
Who needs a blogging schedual?

*This is part of what E is going through, but I usually don't go about telling peoples' lives to the internet. I just found this true and society issue.  





  1. I just realized something.
    I do that.
    I see people goofing off and label them as lazy. But the truth is, I have no idea if they're getting stuff done or if something is going on at home. All I can see is them being loud and silly.
    That is blindness.
    Thank you for helping me think about the way I see people.


    1. Your welcome, but I hope I didn't sound too mean when I said that.
      (There goes my kindness warning telling me to be kind)

    2. Boop boop boop!
      You can push the off button on your kindness alarm. XD

    3. Beep.
      Don't worry, it's off.

  2. All so true :)

    - Ellie

  3. Wow, this is true and inspirational. : )


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