Sorry for not posting, BUT I have a story to tell!


(I bet you've read enough apologize posts before. So, I'm sorry)

I'll just skip to the story:
"This is not a drill," A grave voice on the speaker said. I could barely hear her voice through the chaos around me. 
"Come on!" A voice shouted.
"Is this a fire drill?" A person asked.
Voices-students and teachers- filled the heavily crowded area as my school attempted to make a calm and orderly exit. I tried to ignore the voices as I focused on staying with my science class. 
 When we reached the feild, it was slick with mud from the past few days' rain. My class and I tried to go through the mud, but thankfully our teachers kept us from going to far. (My converses did not appreciate the wet mud). 
 Then the waiting began. At first the teachers tried to keep us quiet. But trying to keep 100 restless students quiet is too much of a task. My friends, E, G, V, K, and A were in the next line over so I could talk to them.
 Soon we heard the sound of fire trucks approaching, but could not see them. (They came pretty fast, though) We continued to wait. I was cold from the mid-April air (And that I didn't bring my jacked in the rush to get out of the building) My shoes were soggy from the trek into the muddy field. But eventually, about 45 minutes later, we were allowed back into the school. When we got in, we found out it was an electric problem. So there was no fire. And I still had to take my science quiz.
Whelp, this was the exciting event from yesterday.
(Other than going to the eye doctor person and finding out I need stronger glasses.)
SO there was no fire, just an extremely unconvinient electric problem.
Have you ever been in a school fire?


  1. Nope, haven't had a school fire before, but one time we had a hard core lockdown drill, it lasted for hours and the police were there to practice with us.
    High five, fellow glasses person!


    1. Ooh, I have had a lock down drill before but never a hard core one!
      Go glasses people!
      Idk about you but I'm practically blind

  2. There was once a fire at my school in the lunchroom because of an issue with the oven. The flames did very little damage; it was the smoke that got all in the vents and pipes what caused all the issues. However, I wasn't there to witness it because my class was at the local art center at the time - seventh and eighth graders take art class at the art center instead of school.
    I loved the story!
    I do hope the science quiz went well.

    - Ellie

    - Ellie

    1. I've heard of kitchen fires.
      When one of my friends first moved into her new house, her blender caught on fire.
      I do love fails trips. I'm taking one to an art museum in June.
      Thanks Ellie!
      The science quiz did go fairly well.

  3. Ooh much drama. Much mud. Much no-talking-allowed teachers. Sigh.
    We've had weird ones, and a lot of them.
    Once the fire alarm went off (it was a drill, but they purposefully didn't let us know there would be a drill) and our substitue didn't know what it was, so we were out in the parking lot before we realized that she wasn't there. :) So then me and my friend had to go back and get her and the emergency packet the teachers are supossed to have. And the flashlight. And then we practically had to carry her because she was so upset that came back in even though the fire alarm was going off, but there's one part of the school where all the smoke comes out and we were looking at it from the parking lot and there was none. I think we almost gave her a heart attack. The school district needs to better train their teachers.

    Then once we did a lockdown because someone had "robbed someone" down the street from us (it was actually a murder, but it would be weird to say "hey look first graders there is a murderer about five minutes away from here") so we all had to lock the doors and close the blinds and put paper over the doors so they couldn't see through and then we got to play until school let out. :D But then we had to eat lunch in our classroom and no recess, which wasn't so great.

    And then a day after that we were in our art room and we had clay stuff and the kiln went off. It killed my clay project. Bad kiln. And so then it started to catch on fire and the fire alarm went off but it was off by the time the fire fighters got there. Even though the fire fighters are literally the neighbors of the school. That's literal.

    And then once we were doing our yearly visit to the fire station (the literal neighbors one) and the fire alarm went off because a firefoghter had not practiced fire safety and had left something in the oven for too long. So the thing had caught fire. In the fire station.

    And once the kitchen oven was burned. Then the firemen got there. And it was the middle of winter. And we had all left our jackets inside.

    And then once there was a whole shebang kinda lockdown, but we were on a field trip. :) Where the fire alarm also went off. When we were on the 6th floor of the place. That was nice. It was an accident though.

    And once we had a bomb threat but the only place to go was like 15 ft from the school building. Yeah, that was smart. There was no bomb, fyi. They just thought there might be. Actually someone had thrown their watch away or something like that.

    And once there was a fire like a mile away and they couldn't put it out for hours be ause normally it's super rainy here but that whole year it was almost no rain, so there were wildfires all over. Actually, this was like 4 years ago and anyways they just finally got the last like mile or so out like last year. Anyways, so there were these giant fires all over and then there was one that started a mile away from the school. So then it got thepower lines which was creepy and we all thought that like it was going to travel along the power lines till it got to our school hut it didn't and now I need to know if there is science that backs that up. Anyways the power was out so we just all played games but everyone was being picked up because everyone was worried that we would have to evacuate and so then by the end of the day there were just four of us left from around 100 kids in our grade.

    And once when we were in first grade then the house right across the street from the school burned to the ground and we were all freaked out cause we were on the playground and there was this giant fire. Blergh.

    Also everyother time we cook something in our oven at home the fire alarm goes off. At least we know it works. Though my arms don't appreciate having to wave placemats at it every day.

    In case you haven't yet noticed, my old school and house apparently have a thing for fire alarms going off. It's very weird.

    Anyways, I hope the science test went well.

    1. And....that was long.... Sorry bout that.

    2. Your school and house do have a tendency to have fire alarms go off!
      That murder sounds scary....I've never been in a real lock down. Except once, but it was, like across the city.
      My school was in a not so good neighborhood area until we got a new school.
      That's kind of funny, having a fire go off in a firestation!
      You have an interesting life!

    3. Oh and don't worry about it being long.
      I read it all and was very interested in what you said:)


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