What I've been up to & American Girl?


Hello everyone. So um, I actually have an excuse for not posting and I'll get to that in a second, but first I have a question:
Should I use American Girl dolls on here? Just every once in a while, ya know? Some photos or stories with them? I just want your opinon. 

Ok, here is the reason I didn't post: our internet was out. And cable. And phone. It was off Friday and my laptop, at least, didn't work yesterday. Besides being in the land of no internet, I was insanely busy:

I went to my pull out dance program during school. After that, I found out that my friend Ekene won the election (woohoo!) but my friend Kendall didn't. I had my studio dance company rehersal after school. Then I spent the evening with my family (the no wifi/cable/phone thing) being like cavemen. (With electric lights).

I had another reheral in the morning-ish until about 3:00. Then my family and I went out for dinner before my mom and sister and I went to a gymnastics meet for my best 5-almost-6 year old friend. She did so amazing and was so cute. (If she ever goes to the Olympics, she owes me a ticket-I watched her first meet:). And even after that, my mom and sister and I went to my school musical The Sound of Music. Ekene was in it. She played Louisa. And did pretty good. In fact, the musical was a nice performance as well, considering it was a bunch of middle schoolers. 

Today my family went to a water park with my old best friend* and her family.  It was really hot but super nice. The water was super cool. I also got dipin dots while I was there.

How has the last few days been for (I'm gonna talk slightly country) y'all?
*She's kind of my best friend but I only see her, like, once or twice a week at dance. We did go to the same school but now I go to a nerd academy.  


  1. You can definitely do AG. I would love to see them!

  2. YES! I wasn't even aware you had dolls.
    Your no cable/ caveman thing sounds like when my family sometimes plays a board game after dinner.
    I wish it was warm enough here for us to go to the pool.

    1. Yeah. Dolls were just something I wanted to keep apart from this blog because I've had a doll blog before, but I got so busy I didn't have time to post so I felt bad and didn't want to bring them back in again. And here I am.

  3. I agree-- you can definitely post about AG! I really miss reading new posts on your doll blog :( I'd really love to read your doll posts again! :D


    1. Okay, thanks Shelby-Grace! I'm glad you liked them enough to miss them though!

    2. Wait, you had a doll blog? Is it still up and running? If so, what's the link-I'd love to check it out!
      P.S. Sorry for so many questions XD

    3. Well.
      I kind of deleted it.

    4. LOl, that's okay. I was just curious. ;)

  4. YES! I would LOOOOOOOOVE to see your AG's on here! I love AG, and many of your other readers do too! Oh and also, I tagged you for a reading challenge! Go check it out on my blog!


    1. Ok, thanks for your opinoin! AG is quite fun, isn't it?
      Ok, thanks for tagging me! And I love your blog name!

    2. You're welcome, and thank you! AG is most definitely fun!

  5. You should definitely post about AG if you want to! This is your blog, so you should post whatever you want on it!
    I've been so busy I like can't. I had formal (which I only went to because one of my friends was forced to go to and I was part of a support team for her), a sleepover, a piano recital, two parties, and now two exams to study for. *bangs head on desk* your past few days sound a lot more fun.

    - Ellie

    1. Ok. You sound busy too! I also mainly focused on the fun things. I didn't mention squeezing math, french and science homework in along with a Huge english project.

  6. I would love to see you use dolls on occasions! Glad your back!



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