Writing of The Day (WOTD): The train


So AmericanGirlDolls4Ever has started this writing think where she writes a bit each day. I like this Idea so I have decided to try it myself.

 "The only way out was through window," An older girl who sat next to me said. 
  "What?" I asked confused and glanced at the cold, intense look she gave me. A look that made my skin crawl.
  "Do you wanna get off this train or not Ruby?" She asked me with a raise of an eyebrow. 
  "I-I don't no....I mean yes?"
  "Listen, you're different from all the other kids who were snatched out of the streets last night. You had a family- a sister and a mom and a dad. Something none of us had," She said and motioned at all the other kids on the train.
I quickly grew uncomfortable in the booth. My sister wasn't all that sweet. My dad worked so much I never saw him. And my mom was not easy to get along with. But she was right. I did have a family, no matter how jagged the edges. I had to get back to them. I needed to get off this train.
  "Fine. Which window should I get off of on THIS MOVING train?" I asked.
  "Duh," She replied with a role of her eyes. "The window before the next train cart."
  "So I just jump and hope I land on a soft pile of grass?" I say sarcastically.
  Her eyes roll again. "Just land on your feet, Ru."
  That's how I ended up with the open window in front of me. The wind whipped my long brown hair. I looked at the green landscape in front of me as it moved rapidly at the train's pace. The clear blue sky continued on past the rolling hills and trees and houses. I had no idea how long I ad traveled since the night before nor did I know where I was. But something, something in my gut, told me I had to jump out of the train.
  I took a deep breath and put one foot on the windows edge, then the other. As I was about to launch myself out of the window, I felt a tug and I was pulled back. The conductor of the train had a fistful of my blue t-shirt. A scowl on his face told me I was caught.  
Hope you liked this.


  1. I loved this! Please write more!!

  2. Awesome! I love the plot, especially the ending - definitely an unexpected plot twist!

    - Ellie

  3. Dang it she should have jumped sooner!
    Somehow I don't think she would land on her feet, though... And she would have to jump far enough away that she wouldn't get sucked under the train.
    Now I need to go look this up.

    1. Ok. It looks like the jump-and-roll technique is what she should go for.
      This won't end as disastrously as I thought.
      She also needs to remember not to bite her tongue.

      Or if she didn't know about rolling properly, the could get hurt, and an injury could just be another challenge in the plot.

      But I guess she never got to jump so now she needs to break out some badass karate moves on the conductor and continue her escape.

    2. :D
      I always heard that technique would work. I never decided to try it though...
      Oh yes.

  4. Oh that was really cool! I wonder what they were doing with the kids...


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