A bit about Me


1. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
If failing meant I wouldn't get hurt, I would jump off my roof and fly into the air like the "You can fly" seen in Peter Pan.

2. What do you want to be remembered for?
A really nice and funny girl who was always smiling and wouldn't judge you. Or as an amazing dancer and someone who's talented at everything because she's practiced a lot to get there.

3. Think about the last time you felt totally on top of the world. Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? What parts of that experience can you recreate today and every day to boost your happiness?
It was basically my whole 5th grade year- my teacher was amazing, I had made friends with a lot of people and teachers didn't expect much from you. You didn't have homework and the field trips were so much fun! (We went to D.C. and the beach.

4. Who is one of your mentors? What do you admire about them? What makes them unique and what have you learned from them?
My friend is so amazing. I wouldn't say she is a mentor, but she inspires me all the time. She works hard at everything, gets good grades, and still has time to do a ton of activities! She is funny in that mean but funny way and is nice to everyone without being fake.

5. If you had just one day left to live, how would you spend it?
I would spend it writing my life story down, photographing, playing with my sister and brother, writing letters to everyone I know- mainly letting people know that even after I'm dead, I can still be there for them.

6. What is the one single most difficult lesson you’ve ever had to learn?
No matter how hard I try, someone will always be better than me.

7. What is one of your biggest dreams? What’s getting in the way?

To leave everything I know and just travel all over the world. I would go to Paris and London and Rome and all over. I would just explore. The biggest thing is money. I don't have that much money and neither do my parents. Plus I'm to young to to be let loose around the world.

8. How do you feel about Wednesday?
I feel that Wednesday is a day that was my favorite (at least last year) because I had my musical theater dance class. Other than that I feel that it is the halfway point in the week and I'm that much closer to Friday.

9. What do you hope to find over the rainbow?
I hope to find pointe shoes, a type writer, a poloroid camera, and my laptop. Also ice cream and Once Upon a Time's Storybrook.

10. What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask?
Why I like to wear overalls. People never question my fashion choices (which is good, in some aspects) but the resaon I do is because when I was little, I used to wear them so for me they symbolize my very young childhood.

11. What is your favorite chess piece?
I like to play chess, but I have no idea what the names of the pieces really are. My favorite is either the Queen (because she can do anything she wants) or the horse (because it's a horse).

12.Why don’t you do the things you know you should be doing?
I know I don't always stand up for this one girl that is teased and people use sarcasm on her (because she doesn't understand it). But I don't stand up for her because when people do that to her, it's because she butts into another person's conversation. So my answer is IDK. 

13. What is the first thing that comes to mind with the word 'future'?
A LOOOOONG path that goes up and down some hills with a blue and yellow building at the end.

That was just a bit about me.
I hope you enjoyed reading this!


  1. I did enjoy reading this. : )
    I love overalls too! I'm wearing some right now.

    1. Thanks Gwen!
      IKR! They're so comfy...

  2. Awesome post! I loved reading it.

    - Ellie

    1. Thanks Ellie! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  3. I kinda disappeared, didn't I? Sorry about that. I had my recital craziness and all. Though next year it will be even crazier because I'm taking 4 or 5 classes. And this year I'm only taking two. It'll be interesting.
    I actually totally think of you as #2. :D You've accomplished something here.
    Also #5 is really sweet.

    1. It's all good. and I totally understand dance craziness. I bet it will be.
      Awww! Thanks Kathleen!

  4. I enjoyed reading this post! Your blog is awesome!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it and my blog!


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