Deep Questions With Emily


What is the Universe?

Universe: all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. The universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies; it has been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago.

The only problem with that is I don't believe in the big bang theory. 

Big Bang Theory: the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it talks about the universe as we know it starting with a small singularity, then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.

I'm a Christan who believes God created the earth and everything in it.

Christianity: the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices.

I'm going to Christan Camp next week. I want to ask about this stuff. Maybe I an get some answers. Until then, can I ask for your opionions? 


  1. I am an atheist myself, but I love learning about different religions and finding new ways to think about things.
    Maybe God started the big bang?
    Maybe God is the universe itself and people just see it as a bearded man in the sky because it's easier to think about?

    I think it's silly not to belive in science* simply because people long ago couldn't find a better way to explain phenomenons in the world around them. But I also think it's silly to not belive in something bigger than yourself.

    So perhaps God is love, tolerance, and compassion? A thing that humans made up as a way to make themselves better people?

    But from what I can tell, you like a more literal interpretation of things.
    So I don't know. What does your heart say? Set aside your parents and your church and everything else. What does Emily think?

    *then again, the Big Bang IS just a theory.

    1. I like to learn about different religions too.
      I like that theory of God starting the Big Bang Theory. It does make some sense to me.

      Very true.

      And that makes sense too.

      I think I do too.

    2. Hello. I feel like talking more.
      I think by atheist I mean I don't believe in a bearded dude in the sky controlling everything. But I do belive in that "becoming a better person" thing I said. And for me the "something bigger than myself" is being the better person? Or maybe it's an ultimate goal for all humans to be nice to eachother? It's all very confusing.
      I've talked about this with my dad a lot and I like having the chance to write some of it down.

    3. Hey and I do too.
      That does make a lot of sense. I always thought life was some kind of time for you to be as nice as you can. Then I went to middle school and threw that idea away. Everything is confusing that's bigger than myself, atleast for me it is.
      It is nice to get your words out on the screen

  2. Hmmm.

    1. Perhaps God created the Big Bang, and Genesis is a metaphor made by early theological scholars to sort of explain their presence on Earth.
    2. Perhaps the Big Bang created the mortal world to which Adam and Eve fell. (But that seems unlikely, at least to me.)
    3. Perhaps Deism, the belief that God created the world but had a minimal hand in its governance thereon.
    4. Perhaps, and most likely, something else entirely.

    But, as Gwen said, I think what is most important is: What does Emily think? Putting aside for the moment outside influences, what is your opinion?

    If you can't find answers here, on the blog, I hope you can find them at your camp. :)

    Also, I finished writing my guest post. How do you want me to get it to you?

    - Ellie

    1. My mom thinks that the book of Genesis is a metaphor too.
      I still don't know...
      Email your guest post to me at

    2. Okay, thanks! :) I just sent it.

      - Ellie

    3. Thanks Ellie! I loved it:)

    4. Gosh, thank you. :)

      - Ellie


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