Guest Post: Miss H


Hey all!
My name is Miss H, and I came second place for the writing comp around a month ago, and for my prize I am doing a guest post. :D
Soo... hi! Nice to meet you all :)

I am really bad a guest posts. I can also be kinda bad at posting on my own blog, and I am constantly turning to Google to try and come up with a topic to write about. The struggle was real. I really wanted people to like my blog and follow, but no matter how much I posted or how much I tried, people were just not following. But the other day I realized "this is MY blog!". 

I betcha a couple of people just blinked at the screen in confusion (trust me, I did too), but let me explain... 
My blog is my blog. I don't have to google topics and try and get people to like what I write about, I just have to be MYSELF, I can't be an amazing and imaginative person when I am just an average girl with an average imagination. I can't climb a mountain if there is no mountain to climb. So, I made it a goal of mine to only post when I wanted to, and to only post about what interested me personally and just be my crazy and outthere self.

I got a new blog design and I changed a couple of stuff so it became REALLY me. And you know what? I gained followers. Because people don't want to see a girl trying to post about things that she doesn't really understand, they just wanted to see me be myself and be someone they can relate to and laugh with.

So today I just wanted to say that you are UNIQUE and AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL just by being yourself. You are the only person on earth who is like you. No one else can be you, and you can't be anyone else. You are perfect and nothing will ever change that. Just be yourself, and the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind. 

Like my favorite philosopher, Dr Suess said,
"Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you."

Being yourself is the best version of you anyone could ask for, and even though you may feel that you are not being recognized for being yourself, trust me, you will, and the people who don't acknowledge you for being yourself are probably to busy trying to be someone they're not. 

Hope this all encourages some people and if you read this entire post, *HIGH FIVE* you totally rock my socks. 

Signing out,
Miss H 


    Ahem. This was a really interesting post for me. I really liked it.
    I've no end of post ideas, but posts people really want to read? Erm......3, maybe. I think I'll just post them all now.
    Anyways, thanks for posting this, Miss H!

    1. Thank you Kathleen! I really enjoyed writing it and I'm super glad that you enjoyed reading it :D

  2. Hey Emily!
    I emailed you my guest post! I worked really hard on it. I hope you like it!

    ~Tenley ^•^


Hey! I'm glad you liked my post and thanks for taking the time to comment. Feel welcome to disagree with someone's comment, but please disagree nicely. The golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. ♥