Emily Explains how Apples Are Like People


I started cutting up an apple the other day. I had just cut of a sliver when I saw


It was ugly and mushy and I wouldn't have suspected a thing from the gorgeous red color of the outside.

Kind of like people.

People can have fancy things and expensive clothes. They can try to cover up their flaws.

But it won't work.

No one can fully cover them up.

I'm a person who comes by my flaws openly.

I'm vocal about the things I don't like. When I'm ticked off, watch out. I can have an attitude and 'need to have the last word' and I like to be right (I mean, who doesn't?).

But my family knows these flaws.

My friends do too.

You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve
And I have always buried them deep beneath the ground 

I was thinking about this song, Flaws, by Bastille. It made me think of that rotten apple I cut into, expecting something crisp and juicy, only finding it's flaws.

With people, I think you need to focus on the good while still acknowledging the flaws, because flaws make us who we are. They make us perfectly imperfect. (After all, how awful would t be if we were all nice and sweet? Nothing would ever happen). 


  1. Lovely post, as usual. :)

    - Ellie

    1. Aww, thank you Ellie! :)


  2. Anonymous4.8.15

    This is awesome.

    Oh I know that song!!! I was going to do a lyric shoot on it. ;)


    1. Thanks Jenni!

      Yasss! I can't wait to see it! I love that song. :)


  3. Interesting way to put it. But this is so, so true.
    Sometimes, though, even if the apple has a few bruises, it still tastes sweet. Maybe the brown flaws are a bit squishy and maybe they aren't nice to look at, but they come with the apple. Knowing we're all a bit bruised helps. And getting past the mushy parts to the sweet crispness is often worth it.

    -T. x

    1. Thanks Tane!
      I'm glad you understand:)

  4. Amazing post. wow....

    - www.whatlexieloves.blogspot.com


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