Part 1: Schedules + Class goals


I licked my lips nervously as I tore open the envelope adressed to me.

Slowly I took out the packet of papers trying to find my schedule.

And when I found it, I gasped.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Team....XXXXXX?!" I cried in disbelief. Out of two possible teams and I got the worst one.

I ran up to my room, pushing open my door, and headed towards my desk. I read the rest of my schedule.

Semester 1:

Bell 1-2: Earth Science// Adv. English
Bell 3: French ||
Bell 4: Theatre.
Bell 5: Carer skills.
Bell 6: Lunch
Bell 7-8 :Geometry 1 Honors.

Semester 2:

Bell 1-2: Earth Science// Adv. English
Bell 3: French ||
Bell 4: P.E.
Bell 5: Written Communications
Bell 6: Lunch
Bell 7-8 :Geometry 1 Honors.

"P.E.? Career skills?!" I cried. I opted out of P.E.... and I didn't write anywhere that I wanted career skills! 

Quickly I found Gabby's contact and called her. "Gabby! I'm on the XXXXX!" I wailed as soon as she picked up.

"Oh...I'm on the ZZZZ." She replide. Instantly, I felt upset that my best friend wasn't on my team... and that she was on the better one.

We went over our schedule and have no classes except lunch.  (Although everyone has lunch together so..)

I called my friend Kendall. She didn't have her schedule yet.

Everyone else I tried wouldn't pick up.

Eventually I slunk back down stairs and did the only thing I could do:

Bake chocolate chip cookies.

This year isn't starting as I imagined it would.
So this is part 1 of my back to school series. 

( I go back September 8th)
Today I got my schedule and I'm on the worst team.

But, I am determined to have a Good attitude about this year.

So I present my 2015-2016 school year goals:

+Get an A in Geometry
+A in French.
+Principal list.
+ Make a new friend.
+Keep my desk neat.
+Keep my locker neat.

I hope I can make these goals!

 PS- What classes do you have and when do you go back to school?


  1. Ugh, nasty starts to school are the worst. I really really really wanted to have a locker buddy this year, but even though I asked a ton of people, no one wanted to be with me. So I have to have my own :( (I feel like this is the opposite problem most people have.) But then I thought at least I could decorate the whole thing however I wanted (even though it's only a half-size locker) and organize it whichever way I please, so that's okay. (I might still get a buddy, though. My study hall teacher is looking into it.) I made myself feel better by decorating my planner with collages of Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Harry Potter, Tolkien, and other fandom stuff and making some similar collages for my locker. I also organized my school supplies. I like organizing things.
    I also don't have lunch period with ANY of my friends - but I guess I'll just use that opportunity to make a new friend I might have otherwise made by having a locker buddy!
    I start on the 24th (next Monday!! YIKES!) and have Adv. English 9 (my teacher is the former principal and the husband of the principal of my old school, which is cool. He seems really awesome), German 1 (which I do have with two of my besets friends (actually, like 2/3 of the class is made up of kids from my old school. Like what the heck XD)), Religion (bleh. Hopefully it'll at least be interesting. Last year my religion course was on Church history, like the apostles and Letters and stuff, and that was fascinating. I think this year we're learning how to study/interpret Scripture??? Idk really.), Ceramics 1 (Can't wait!! And my teacher seems super amaze), Digital Animation (my teacher is literally so scary he's like a giant red balloon with t-rex arms and five double chins), Adv. Biology, and Adv. Geometry. Next semester my schedule stays the same except for Digital Animation and Ceramics being replaced by Play Production (bts of the school play) and Adv. World Geography (YAAAAAAAY). And we're studying something different in religion. Idk what it is though.
    Theatre sounds really really fun. I wish I'd worked up the courage to take Acting 1 this year, but I've promised myself I'll do it next year.
    We can struggle through Geometry together. I know I'm technically Advanced, but I've never taken Geometry before - I skipped right from Algebra 1.
    I do hope you feel better soon, dearest. *hugses* *hot tea* Hopefully you'll get good teachers - they can really make almost any class awesome! Decorating your locker, planning out a week's outfits/hairstyles, or something else you enjoy might make you feel better. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you <3

    - Ellie

    1. Ooh, I love organizing school supplies too!
      I love making new friends (JK. I only do it when I have to..)
      Haha, my friend starts next monday to. WAY to soon.
      When I'm in 9th I really want German! I'm only taking French to get a credit...
      Me too for the Geometry thing. *Hugs* and thanks! <3

  2. Anonymous20.8.15

    Seriously why am I literally the only middle school who's already started. I feel you, out of 4 teams, only 1 person I know and like is on my team. The rest of my friends are all in different teams. I don't even have lunch with them! (there's 3 lunches) Good luck starting school. :)


    1. Aww that does stink.

    2. I'm homeschooled, so I started on the 10th!

    3. Oh. I would like to be homeschooled...

  3. I have to start high school this year. I hope it's better than middle school.
    I'll be taking
    Normal language artsy stuff
    Algebra: round two: Schmidt just got real.
    Probably something else I forgot...
    Im most excited about biology. I liked 7th grade life science, so I skipped over science9 and went straight to biology. And then there's the maths. I took the first full algebra in 7th, did geometry in 8th (there were enough of us that they brought geometry down from the high school to us.) and this year I'll be taking the second algebra. Geometry was great cause I could see why the numbers were doing what they were doing.
    Mom and dad say that me taking classes ahead of everyone else is good for college-y stuff if I keep it up.

    My goals:
    Don't hate everyone
    Keep up the straight A's
    Care less about what other people are thinking (cause they don't really think.)
    Run. (This isn't really a school thing-mom wanted me to go out for cross country, but I don't want people telling me how, where and when to run. I just want to run. By myself on my woods.)
    Ask questions if I don't get something.
    Keep track of my homework, and don't let the internet get in the way of that.

    I go back September 4th

    1. Yeah. I'm only going into 8th cuz I barely didn't make the age cut off:(

      I preferred Physical science, but Biology sounds cool too.

      I go to a nerd school and I HAVE to take Geometry. I've heard that about colleges too.

      I love your goals, but, at least for me, it's hard to ask questions and IDK why.

    2. I love the Schmidt just got real xD

      - Ellie

  4. I have to go back on the 24th. WHY DID SUMMER HAD TO END?????!!!


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