Hello September


Hello September.

Still hanging on to the last few days of summer, eh?

I hope this month has a smoother transition from summer to school.

A.K.A not having as many crapped up teachers who give boatloads of home work without having learned the subject. Talking to you Ms. French Teacher.

I hope this month I can adjust easily and such. And make (another) set of acquaintances in classes I don't have friends in.

Maybe I can get my homework done without doing it on the bus to school. And study for real.

I hope this will be a good month.

It's been 10 days since I blogged.

Reasons? For once I have a legit reason: 

I went on vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida.

I haven't been in forever, so it was so much fun.


I got braces only they are Invisalign. I got my first set last week. 

Today I get my second. 

my mouth still hurts. I need help.

I also FINALLY got my hands on the 1st Harry Potter book.

I've been wanting to read it since I was 8 but the library (School or public) has never had it. I tried to reserve it, but it wouldn't let me. And I would buy it, but I am broke so...

Yea. I'm gonna go back to sleep now.

I didn't get home from Disney until 12 something after a plane flight
 with 4 crying babies and a full day at the Park.


  1. best of luck to you!

  2. What are these invisalign braces like? I have normal braces and when I first got them on they rubbed up against my cheek all the time. I expect the invisalign thingabobs would be smooth. I've only even seen advertisements for them, never on an actual person.
    : ( hurty mouth symapthy : ( My cousin got his braces on last week to. We are very good at hating braces together.

    What is Disney world like? Ive never been because it seems like too much bother to wait around in crowds of people to just go on a ride.

    YAY HARRY POTTER! we'll make a fan out of you yet!

    1. They pinch your teeth a lot. And I got these attachments that are like globs of glue that scratch against my cheeks. I can eat anything, but it is a lot of taking them out, eating, brushing my teeth, and putting them back in. Plus I have rubber bands too.

      The lines aren't as bad as you think. Plus there's a lot of games you can play by waiting.


  3. Wow! Harry Potter is freaking amazing, it's a masterpiece every person must read <3
    Enjoy school, but newsflash: You're never going to do homework anywhere but in the bus XD....ever
    And hey, when are you announcing the results of the WCC?


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