Tallahassee + Operation Talk To Green Bean


So mysterious, and so beautiful.  That's the magic of Maine! 
  “I thought you were gone,” I hissed through clenched teeth. I glanced around the dimly lit restaurant, hoping no one would overhear. Not that anyone could- being the only ‘fine dining’ eatery around town, this place got packed and was bustling with voices.
   Rustle’s face twisted into a sneer. “You can’t get rid of me.” He glanced at my face. “Change your name to Maya instead of May- nice touch by the way- move to Maine in some small town. Well, word get’s out.” He took a chug of his drink.
  “Well you…you…ugh!” I slammed my drink down on the light wood table and put my head in my hands. I had pictured this talk for years- how I would confront him with some snarky remark and Rustle would be shocked to see me. Only now he’s caught me off guard, like he always did, and is creeping back into my life again.
   “At a loss for words? I tend to have that effect on people.” Rustle smiled his pearl white, toothy smile. The one that used to send a flurry of butterflies into my stomach. The one that now looks like he’s sharpened a batch of throwing knives to aim at my head.
  He took another swig of his beer. One too much, if you ask me. “Besides, I’m not staying for long-I’ve got a meeting.” Rustle’s eyes flicked mine for a moment. “I have a meeting down in Tallahassee.”
  I sucked my breath in sharply.
Rustle was going to Tallahassee.
Where this all started.  
[Hope you enjoyed the story.]

Operation Talk To Green Bean was... a flop.
I was going to talk to him in science about Lord knows what....
but I chickened out.
So instead we worked together on this identifying mineral thing.
(Which is better than nothing)

Even worse then not talking to him, was how my friend Gabby tried to find where he sits at lunch. And then literally watched him the whole time we ate. (Even when he got up to throw away his trash.) Can she make it more obvious?

Oh well. I guess I have to try Wednesday
(I don't have any classes with him tomorrow) 


  1. Oh, that sucks. Hopefully you'll have better luck on Wednesday!

  2. Love it!
    Aww. You'll do great next time, I know. But hey - at least you get to actually interact with your crush. I don't even have any classes with mine.

    1. Thanks!
      I hope so. Ah man, that sucks.

  3. i hate it when i hope to make a snarky comment and then nothing comes to mind.
    For a bit, I thought the characters were moose.
    But moose don't drink beer, as far as i know.
    Things to talk about with Green Bean:
    we're all going to die
    whether or not you could make a jet pack out of shot guns and would it lift a squirrel into the air.
    wear a geeky t shirt and see if it starts any conversations.
    eh. don't really do any of these things. (except maybe the t shirt one.) even i know better than to follow my advice.

    Blog design question for you: how do I get the tabs to be smaller (it's like a bar right now, and a little too thick for my liking.) I have the travel template for what i'm working on.

    1. xD I just liked the picture...

      hmmm.. I like the last one.

      As for the blog design question:

      If you have it added to the sidebar as a gadget (in the layout) the font size would be controlled by the page size. To change the size go to:
      template>>>customize>>>advanced and page text should be the first thing selected. From their you can change the text size, although It changes the rest of the page text too.

      If you have a html code to place your gadgets there, this may not work.

      Let me know if you have anymore questions:)

    2. more questions: can I keep it on the top? i like the little bar thing going across, it's just too wide.
      I see you have yours at the top (im not talking about the scroll-y thing at the moment) and they're all in a nice line and pretty small. Did that just come with whatever template this is, or is that something fancy you did?

    3. I used a variation of an HTML code I found.
      But, I'm sorry Gwen, but blogger won't let me publish a HTML code. I can email it to you though, if you want.

    Seriously Emily this is amazing. I love the suspenseful/angsty vibe.
    Oh dear. I hope Wednesday goes well.
    I have found that often being flirtatious does not have to equal being sexual. It merely equals talking to the person and being genuinely interested in what they have to say. They'll remember that, they won't remember random eyelash-batting in the hallways. So if you can get a good conversation going with him, even if it's short, you should be good.
    Btw Green Bean is officially the best code name ever.

    1. THANK YOU!

      Me too!
      I'll have to try that.
      Thanks! My friend made it up. She and I have this code name thing. Her crush's name is Potato.

  5. Hi Emily! You have been nominated for the Liebster Award on my blog. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

    Allie D.

    1. Thanks Allie! I'll have to work on that!

  6. Cool story and hope you have better luck on wednesday!

    1. Thanks Nablia and I hope I do!


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