My Actions// Holy crap// GREEN BEAN


Who doesn't like a swing.. I kinda like the wood swing with a chain. rope or chain hmm
I just like the photo..

I didn’t want to admit it.
My feelings,
Were bottled up
And boiling out
Like a pan of water simmering
On the stove.
But somehow
The words
Escaping my lips
And out into the air.
I wish
I could
Take the words back
And stuff them into my
Where they belong.
But there’s no going back.
My feelings have become thoughts.
My thoughts have become words.
And these words, are my actions.
I can’t take back
My actions.
I honestly don't know what to do.

I've already panicked in my bathtub.

What else can a girl do when her 'friend' (ehem, Gabby) texts your crush (ehem Green Bean) pretending to be you. A slightly pushier version of you. And as if that isn't enough, talks to him while waiting for their buses. 
It's not the fact that they were talking, but the fact they were talking about me is what makes it unbearable. 
So now Green Bean thinks I texted him.
And Gabby can't remember what she said to him.
And I'm still panicking

Anyone happen to have experience with this?


  1. Well first of all, tell gabby that stealing someone's identity/ pretending to be them is an absolute no-no. It can cause problems.
    Second of all, don't try to post while in a bathtub. Your device could fall in. Also a problem.

    I really do love your poem, dear. What do you call that style?

    1. Yes, yes it can.
      That would be a problem...

      Thank you and I don't really have a style.. I kinda just taught myself how to piece together words and phrases...

    2. But I've read this in a book before. Called LoveThat Dog.(which you should totally read.)
      I looked it up and it's called free verse, which means no rhyming or beat.
      I think you peice them together nicely.

    3. Oh.... I guess that is what it's called. Who woulda thunk? Definitely not me...
      I think I've read that one. Isn't it about the boy who had to write poems for a journal project? I think I read it in the beginning of 2015.

    4. I think so... It's been a couple years- I'm not even sure if I still have it!

  2. Woah, seriously? That seems like kind of a jerky thing for your friend to do... I hope everything turns out alright.

  3. Hi Emily! Oh my gosh! I don't even know where to begin with this situation. I hope it works out well in the future!!!!! I also just wanted to tell you that I have a giveaway up on my blog! I would love it if you could enter! :p

    Allie D.

    1. Hey Allie!
      Than you and I would love to check it out!

  4. Firstly, that poem is amazing.
    Secondly, you should go right up to Gabby (or call her or whatever) and tell her that that was not cool, and make her look and the two of you see what she said. Don't be overly rude, but be extremely firm. Then make her go up to Green Bean and formulate an apology and/or explanation (sans the fact that you like him) along the lines of "oh hey that actually wasn't my friend it was me yeah her number is actually xxxxxxxx" or something (I mean it doesn't have to be real fancy just something casual will do. as long as she can pull it off). and YOU WATCH AND MAKE SURE SHE DOES IT RIGHT. (if you don't do these things I will fly out and do them for you).
    But seriously, I hope things get better soon, dear. Just relax in your bath (although it's probably over now) (also hooray for baths I love people who take baths POWER TO THE BATH PEOPLE) and worry about it later.

    1. Thank you!
      Okay, I think I will make her do that. (I did create a back up plan where I tell him it was Gabby and say it's because she likes him. I'm not sure if that will work or just backfire more. Plus be very mean)
      Go baths! And I'll try...

    2. Ummmm well let's seeee it'd probably just make her more mad and maybe make her tell him you like him, so I wouldn't do that. Maybe say she did it bc you two had recently had a fight or something?? But then tell her what you said so if rumors you had a fight or whatever get around she'll know why.

    3. True. It would probably backfire.

  5. Ok so that poem was awesome. Also shabby stealing your identity was not ok and I hope in the future things get better for you!

  6. The thing to do is Not Panic. You must instead keep a calm and clear head so as to methodically and efficiently implement your plan.
    I hope it goes well for you, dear.

    1. Lord I hope I can!
      Thanks Waverly!

  7. OH NO!
    Gahh, that's so not good! Well, try not to freak out. And maybe ask your friend not to do that again? I guess just continue being yourself around him, and everything will work out.
    I hope everything goes well!


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