To all those vegetarians


My name is Emily. I'm a vegetarian. I love dance, reading, writing and tea. Also Netflix and HTML coding. 

Did I mention I'm a vegetarian?

Oh yes, I did.

Does that make me any different from any of you? No.

Just because I choose to not eat meat, doesn't mean I don't respect your choices if you do.

I became a vegetarian this past summer.

I've always kind of not ate meat- I didn't like bacon or sausage or ham. I especially didn't like steak or hamburgers.  Turkey was okay. Same with chicken Although I loved sea food, it was easy to not eat meat any more. I didn't crave it and I still don't. It was easy, atleast for me, to not eat meat.

Besides the fact I didn't care for meat already, my friend showed me this video about chickens and pigs that are fed hormones to horrible points... It convinced me more than ever.

NOTE: I am not trying in any way to convince you to be a vegetarian.

 The reason I'm saying all that was because there's a girl who is a vegetarian and feels the need to tell everyone they're carnivorous vultures becuase they prefer the taste of pork to hummus.

Let's call this girl Erin.

Erin is crazy. I get it's one thing to defend your choices, but in the end, no one tried to offend her in anyway-she brings it up in order to make you feel guilty.

Mainly what this thought is about is that I want to tell any of those passionate vegetarians to cool it- no one wants to listen to you ramble about your like choices and convince them to change their eating habits overnight.

I guess that's all I want to say.

What are your thoughts on vegetarians?
Would you ever consider being one?


    I'll occasionally eat meat bc my parents are meat addicts so they'll make me have I'll have meat maybe once or twice a week.
    But other than that, vegetarian.
    Fully vegetarian if I had the choice.
    Ikr, it was surprisingly easy for me too. I think lots of people think being vegetarian means eating only vegetables and salads. But really, there's tons of stuff out there. Just today for lunch I had mozzarella sticks, kettle corn, and sunbutter (peanut butter made with sunflower seeds) (way better than actual peanut butter if you ask me). For dinner I might have pasta with goat cheese and tomatoes or Greek salad (that has no actually salad greens (bc I hate salad greens)). And sometimes, like with Asian stir fry, I just replace whatever meat is in the meal with tofu. (This works especially well in Asian cuisine.) (I freakin love tofu man if you haven't tried tofu you need to try tofu.)
    Ikr again. I've never liked the foods that are like ground-up meat, like sausage and hamburgers. Chicken was okay, so was steak, pork was a big fat no bc I've never liked how it tastes. Same with seafood. I have never liked seafood (idk why).

    - Ellie

      I've heard a lot of people say that since I eat pasta all the time. Also pizza and toast and stuff. I love tofu too! I haven't tried it in stir-fry....
      I have to say, hamburgers weren't my thing...

  2. Coming from another vegetarian, I agree with you on the whole 'passionate vegetarians need to cool it' thing. I'm vegetarian because my parents were and that's just how I was brought up. I literally do not care what other people eat; as long as they're happy and healthy and eating then cool, everything's great, we can move on with life. xD Idk, I just don't feel the need to make someone feel bad for what they eat, of all things.

    1. :D
      People just need any reason to pick on someone, I guess. Which is stupid.

  3. *thumps fist appreciatively on table*
    This is true for any opinion- that you should defend your own choices but not bother others about it. Do no harm but take no Schmidt.

    There's a lot of meats my family doesn't eat already. Being 100% vegetarian would be easy for me.

    1. *thumps back*
      xD No Schmidt!

      It's not as hard as you would think...

    I hate those vegetarians who are like "look at me I'm vegetarian I'm so cool" "I'm vegetarian you should really be vegetarian so you can get on my level" like chill okay? It's one thing to like being vegetarian and promote being vegetarian, it's another to say that because you're vegetarian you're better than other people. Even if you think you're on the morally right end of the situation, you need to just chill. Last time I checked, you don't have the right to govern what other people eat. They have no right to force you to eat meat, you have no right to force them not to. You can campaign for vegetarianism and fight for animal rights, but don't freakin' think you're better than other people just because you may eat more salads than they do.

    - Ellie

    1. I need to put that on a poster and give it to the Erin girl because that is so true. And goes for a lot of other stuff too.

  5. I totally agree that just because you believe one thing other people don't discretely be just like you

  6. I think it is alright to eat long as you are concious of where it is coming from. This is a reason, I think going vegetarian is a positive option. My mom buys meat from natural companies that treat their livestock well, so I feel comfortable with that : ).I couldn't say the same if we just bought generic chicken from the store. I respect others that chose to be vegetarians, and I'd definitely try it!

  7. I love hummus! It makes eating vegetable a whole lot easier. Being a vegetarian doesn't change my opinion and everyone has choices!

    1. Me too! I love vegetables too!

  8. I am a vegetarian and I have no problem with the ones who aren't. In fact, my best friends are both non-vegetarians, and I don't have a problem when they eat chicken or sausage or non-veg stuff for lunch. But what I love about them is the fact that they THINK I can't stand non-veg, so they vehemently object to going to KFC or buying non-veg things when we go out, even though I have no problem with it. They're really sweet/

    1. Me too and you're lucky you have that! I don't mind going to those kinds of places-I order sides or salads or soups. Sometimes there is vegetarian food on the menu.


Hey! I'm glad you liked my post and thanks for taking the time to comment. Feel welcome to disagree with someone's comment, but please disagree nicely. The golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. ♥