

tbh, I have nothing better to do. 

So my friend started a YouTube channel here. She made this video and I'm in here. (Feel free to follow to see Sam's wackyness. She's a lot like me- a dancing girl with a love of OUAT and Dan and Phil.) 

Time to spill my guts!

1. Where were you three hours ago?
My best friend (Sam) and I went to her house and we rode our bikes to a park and a golf course and took some pictures.

2. Confessions?
Um, honestly I got nothing.

3. Bad habbits?
I used to have a problem scratching my head. I would itch my scalp until it bled. Then let a scab form... until I picked that off... [the cycle continued]

4. Favorite color?
I don't have one. It changes day to day. Today I like blue.

5. What color is your tooth brush?
Mine is green, yellow and white.

6. Can you drive?
Well.... legally, no, but my Grandma's old boy friend taught me. I've also driven a golf cart, driving lawn mower and a boat.

7. Birthday?
October 31, 2001

8. Addiction?
Mints. I used to have a problem with gum, but now I have invisalign. So I can't chew it for that long so there's no point.

9. 3 Pet peeves?
1. When people think their so cool and awesome but they aren't.
2. When girls at dance try to do tripple pirouettes (fail miserably) and I'm like no.
3. When people say they hate reading yeah sam, even you.

10. Last person you hugged?

11. Zodiac sign?

12. Something you miss:
5th grade (the best year of my life)
Or kindergarten. It's not like Olivia and I spend our time in between dance classes reminiscing.

13. What song is stuck in your head?
Well, I'm listening to Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy, but I still have parts of The Phoenix in my head. Also Sugar We're Going Down.  

14. Eye color?

15. What state or part of the world do you live in?
The USA.

16. Favorite quote?
Idrk. I love a couple but my favorites are:

I almost started to cry reading this. No where does it mention this, but it's ELENORE & PARK. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤:
ELENOR & PARK! Excuse me while I cry...
Movie Quote Forrest Gump Typography Art Poster   by PeanutoakPrint:
Ugh... Forrest Gump!

19 Profound John Green Quotes That Will Inspire You
I loved Paper Towns.

 And One More:
❤ I love that song
In a world full of the word yes I'm here to scream NO!
17. One place you want to visit?
I have a long list, but I would love to go to Paris (not right now, obviously)

18. Do you like your name?
Well, I have a pretty good name. I think it fits me well.

19. Favorite season?
I love all seasons, especially fall and summer. And spring. Winter's ok.

20. What type of phone do you have?
I have a Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. I love it.

21. Something you're excited about?
TONIGHT! It's a 2 hour OUAT episode!

22. One food you hate?
Mayonnaise. Or ranch.

23. Relationship status?
Dating Green Bean (I wish). Seriously though, I sent screen shots of our texts to Sam and she thought we were flirting and thinks he likes me. (I wish)

24. What are you wearing?
Jeans, a purple shirt, fuzzy socks, a grey jacket, my glasses, a white knit beanie. 

25. Last book you read?
I just finished re-reading The Giver.

26. The book you’re currently reading? 

I just started Four Secrets.

27. What was going on in your life last year?
a) I had a Divergent obsessed phase.
b) I was failing math after getting a 60 on one quiz, 40 something on another, having to retake the 40 something quiz again only to get a worse grade. 
(That's all I remember).

28. What do you do when you're home alone?
Usually, I dance and sing REALLY loudly to FOB in my living room.  And bake stuff like cupcakes. 

29. How did you meet your biggest crush?
Well... I met Green Bean on the first day of school this year. We both came to science late, (because of our different buses) so we had to sit with this one kid (who no one likes) because it was unassigned seating and there was no where else to sit. He sat in front of me. *Slowly dies, thinking about this)

30. Favorite YouTuber?

DAN AND PHIL (you can't have one without another)

or MyLifeAsAva. 

31. Weirdest DM/ text message:
It was last night with a girl named Andrea. We DMed until we decided to text. It was about her ex- boy friend who has a new girl friend. The only thing is I don't really no Andrea and only have French with her.

So that's that.

I'm actually in a good mood

(except I still have HMWk)

So, peace


  1. I absolutely adore those quotes!!!

  2. I love those quotes!

    Your hair is literally so pretty Emily I don't understand like how. Also that beanie is amazing.
    DRIVING A GOLF CART IS AWESOME. I've only done it a couple of times but it's super fun. Except I ran into a tree. Twice. Oops? (I also nearly fell off. Twice. Yes, I nearly fell off of a freaking golf cart. I am that lame.)
    I bite my nails. For a while I had it kicked but now I've slipped back into it again.
    My addiction is lip balm. It originally started last winter with my lips actually needing the moisture, you know? But now it's gotten where my lips just crave it when they don't actually need it bc they've gotten so used to it (if that makes sense).
    Srsly though I love that lyric has to be my favorite song lyric ever that same poster is legit in my locker at school.
    Paris is lovely (not rn, obviously.) The Louvre is amazing!
    "Do you like your name" no.
    I mean Eleanor isn't all that bad but Ellie just sounds like a whiny, wimpy little 8-year-old. And it doesn't sound fantasy in the LEAST. I would like to be named Rowena, Rowan for short.
    Emily I am literally eating a mayo and cheese sandwich right now you traitor. xD Nah, just kidding.
    Well that's all from me for now. Back I go into the hole from whence I came.


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