An Award and a Poem


(Yay for boring post titles)
Any way. Thank you to Shelby-Grace for nominating me for the "You're an amazing photographer award"! My second award, (oh yes I will keep track) on this blog!

Here are the rules:

1. Nominate 3-7 blogs for this award and make a link to the blog.
2. If you are nominated, give 1 of your photography tips and answer the questions given.
3. Go comment on a post of the person you nominated letting them know they were nominated.
4. Copy the picture above on your post.
5. Link your post back to the original post.
6. Add the picture to your tool bar or page.
7. Copy these rules onto your post.
8. Have fun!
 Photography tip: Even if you are terrible at photography, always practice it to get better. I would also try to use different techniques with the focus and such to find which one works best for you.

Here are Shelby-Grace's questions:
1.) Which doll is next on your wishlist?
I have to say I am quite taken with Grace Thomas (GOTY 2015) but I still want Kanani since 2011.
2.) What camera do you use?
I use a nikon d3200 (my mom's) most of the time as I only have some type of point and shoot camera to call my own.
3.) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
I would go on a European tour to London, Paris, and Spain. I would bring my best friends and fly in economy. The trip would be 8 days. (It's not like I planned it already...)
4.) When did you start taking doll pictures?
I think in spring 2014....
5.) Who was your first doll?
Kit was my first doll, 7 years ago (wow)
Now for the Nominees:

And here are the questions:

Have you seen into the woods? (If you have, did you like it?)

Do you prefer marshmallows or whipped cream on your hot chocolate?

Would you rather drink apple sauce or eat it with a spoon?

Have you tried sea weed? (and if you have do you like it?)

and here is my poem:
Frost dusts the window panes
that frame the snowy blanket
That is my front yard

When I step outside,
a chill runs down my spine
the cold nips my fingers and toes

My cheeks turn pink
from the bitter cold
and the cool air

I yell in delight with 
my brother and sister as we have
a snow ball fight

Soon the snow is brown slush
My clothes are wet
my teeth chatter

we head back inside
and I hope there is
a mug of hot coco waiting for me
Emily and the snow


  1. Thanks so much for nominating me Emily! ^_^
    Lovely Poem.<3

    1. No problem Rylee! I'm glad you liked the poem.

  2. Thank you for the nomination! That is a truly beautiful poem. So....poetic. xD


Hey! I'm glad you liked my post and thanks for taking the time to comment. Feel welcome to disagree with someone's comment, but please disagree nicely. The golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. ♥