Slightly Random Post


Hello and welcome to a very random post!
I hope you can bear with me!
Pictures of cats and other adorable thing I will never have:

I only picked 7 (7!) cute kitten pictures. There were so many!

So I have a little pole at the top of the side bar. Here is the question:

Do you like fruit cake?
Yes or no.

More importantly:
Have you tried fruit cake?
Yes or no.

I never have. Yet.

 Okay is it normal to be embarrassed about the stupid things you did as a little kid? Because I have done some seriously stupid things. Looking back on them, anyway.

#1: When I was about 5, I wrote a story that was basically the same as a Fancy Nancy Story. And I sent it to the publisher and tried to have it published. It was a terrible story.

#2: When I was 5-6, I dressed up like Fancy Nancy:
#3: When I was 8, I tried to write a story similar to write a story similar to the girl's in Read it and Weep but about my life. It was, once again a terrible story. Yet I still sent it to a publisher and tried to publish it.

#4: My mom got a new car, like, three years ago and I freaked out over it. I guess I liked my mom's old van? I dunno..I was crazy.

And probably the most embarrassing thing of all:

#5: When I was 7-ish, I made up a show and made my mom film it. I was a host and came in screaming "heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy!" Like some crazy diva-lunatic. Then I made my sister be a guest star or whatever. The show was stupid and some how my family put up with it-???? I honestly don't know how.
{Emily's cheeks grow red after thinking of just these five moments}
Those Sleepless Nights
 Some nights sleep won't come no matter how hard I try. So instead of sleeping, I think. I think about the big bang theory and how science class says yes to this and my religion says no. I have faith in the lord but....I still wonder.
Then I think about the stars. And the moon. And space. And infinity.
By then I know I can't sleep with all my thinking.
By midnight, I try to read.
Only I can't focus.
I wish I could get up, out of bed and move, maybe dance.
Only our house floor creeks terribly. All my family would wake up from the noise.
So I stay laying down, thinking.
Making up stories about nothing.
Questioning why I remember useless facts like what the Conversational Law of angular momentum is rather than how to solve an arithmetic sequence.
Then I realize it's 3 am and it's useless to try to sleep.
So I try to quietly go down stairs to watch TV.
Before I know it, it's 5:45 and it's time to get ready for school. Maybe if I'm lucky it's Saturday and I can sleep in when I am tired. More often than not, it's Monday.
Those are my sleepless nights. 
I hope you enjoyed this long and random post.
If you put up with me, let me know
in the comments.

Emily and more randomness


  1. Oh my goodness, those kittens are so adorable!!!!!!!! I LOVE KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD As you probably already know, I absolutely love cats ;) I'm not embarrased by the things I did when I was little because I do to much embarrasing things now that there's no time to bother with stuff from like, six years ago XD

    ★ Shelby-Grace ★

    1. Yes and I totally love cats! My mom is allergic, so I won't be able to have a cat. :( I guess I shouldn't be embarrassed by that stuff but, *shrugs* I still am.

    2. That's too bad that your mom is allergic :( I am a tiny bit allergic to cats, but it's not so bad that I can't have one ;) I do sometimes remember something really ridiculous I did a long time ago, and there's nothing wrong with being embarrassed by it :)

      ★ Shelby-Grace ★

  2. I am embarrassed by the stuff I did when I was younger. It's really an awful feeling isn't it?
    My sleepless nights are like that too, only watching tv would wake up my family more than dancing. But my room is so messy that I would probably trip.
    A thing I ponder at night is: how could science and my religion coexist? Could it be that both explanations of the universe are possible? I think so. But then again, maybe I'm crazy or have very loose interpretations of how things happen. It really is fun to think about and discuss with my dad. And it's perfectly fine to wonder, to have steady faith in your heart while your mind wanders all over the place.

    I feel like I'm babbling now.
    But anyway, I like your blog and reading and thinking about your posts.


    1. Thanks Gwen. It is an awful feeling. Like you said, my room was super messy too, but now we have to sell it and it has to be spotless 24/7. I like your interpretation of the universe thing. And I don't think your crazy.
      Don't worry about babbling-it's what the comment section is for ;)
      I'm glad you like my blog and posts!

  3. I think everybody gets extremely embarrassed whilst thinking of things done as a child... at least, *we* do. >_<
    I adore random posts, and this one didn't disappoint. Love the cute little kitten pictures. <3

  4. Oh, I've done so many embarrassing things as a child I can't even go there.xD Man but those cats are so cute!^-^

    1. Thanks Rylee! I'm glad to know I'm not the only person to have embarrassing moments!


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