Introvert...or Extrovert


I'm an introvert....and an extrovert? I have many questions when it comes to this topic. For one thing, does being an introvert mean I have to act a certain way? Same with extrovert. I believe I'm both.

As an extrovert, I can be very friendly to kids my age. I can also be nice to some adults and such. I'm also super loud and crazy with my friends. 

Other days I'm very introvertish- Days when my mom forces me to order things and stuff like that. I have to *hisses* talk to people.

She always asks me, "There. They didn't bite did they?" after I order or whatever. 
(In case you wanted to know, they don't bite)

So that makes me think if you want to be an introvert, you should be allowed to be one. (same with extrovert)

I have a new word for someone who's in the middle of the two: Midovert.   

What do you think? 
Are you an introvert, extrovert, or midovert?



  1. I recently found that being both is called an ambivert. I think it appeals to a lot of people. At least, me. I get a lot of my energy by being around others like extroverts do, but like you said, there are some days where human interaction just isn't appealing. :P xD

    1. There IS a word?! All my problems are solved! My friend is a definite extrovert, so she makes me a bit crazy. Human interaction isn't always appealing. Thanks for the new word Adi!

  2. Midovert. Good word. So's ambivert. I am definitely an introvert. I am very independent and like to be on my own and do my own thing. I also don't like interacting with other humans. Not only am I bad at it, I just generally don't see the point. I like to stay curled up in my own little shell, doing my own little thing. (Although I've been trying to work on saying "Hello" and "Thank you" and smiling more recently.)

    - Ellie

    1. So many word choices! I've been trying to be more friendly too. It's hard sometimes, especially when I would rather stay in my own shell too.

  3. I am an introvert. I like to hang out with the quiet people who's motto is "people are irritating".
    My internet friends (you! And ellie) are a lot easier to be friends with than normal people both because you guys are awesome, and I don't have to talk when I don't want to and have time to formulate my thoughts.
    I can act extroverted If I really try, but it requires a lot of "recharge time" afterward.
    And ordering at Starbucks is still a problem for me.

    1. Aw, thank you, dear. :)
      Yes, I will admit I do that too - sit and stare at a comment box for ten minutes before coming up with my reply. I'm not very good at conversing on the spot. :)
      For me it requires a lot of "Pretend you're happy-go-lucky, pretend you're happy-go-lucky" thinking sessions beforehand. :)
      Ugh IKR. :P

      - Ellie

    2. Oh yes, I hate trying to make conversation-I'm horrible at it! Internet friends are a lot more accepting, I've found:D
      I don't like oredering starbucks-I get mixed up on all the stuff, even if it's a tall vanilla bean.

    3. Horay for Internet friends!

    4. Yes, Hooray for internet friends!


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