Award+Photography Challenge


Hello everyone! I hope you're alright today. Anyway. The lovely Ellie has nominated me for the You are a Good friend award. Thank you Ellie!

1. Choose 3+ bloggers you love and agree are amazing bloggers!

2. Ask them 3+ questions.

3. Post on your blog.
Here are Ellie's questions:

1. Weirdest food you've ever eaten?
Escargo. It would have been ok, but there were mushrooms in it. And I don't like mushrooms...

2. Gimli or Legolas? (If you don't know who either of those are, feel free to skip the question. :) )

3. Am I the only one who likes the sound of squeaky mechanical pencils?

I don't mind it,but I'm guessing you're not the only one...

4. Book or movie character you feel is most like you?

I don't know. If there is one like me, I suppose she would be fairly short and nice to almost anyone, likes to read and write plus day dream. And gets easily attached to things and obsessed with books and TV. Plus loves all things Disney and Gravity Falls. 
I have to say, I am similar to Anne from Anne of Green Gables. We both are easily distracted, like to imagine things, and uses words like Lovely. Plus I am always getting in to trouble like Anne.

5. Is anything better than doughnuts?
Maybe, if there is doughnut flavored ice cream...

Thanks again Ellie!

So here are my questions:

1. Do you prefer cheddar cheese or swiss cheese?

2. Would you rather own a fox or a hedge hog?

3. Frozen Yogurt or ice cream?

4. Do you like mangos?

and I nominate:

Ginny and June  

Here is day 1:

And here is day 2:
(A stack of books and my hedge hog, Herbert)
  I would love to know if anyone would like to do this photography challenge:D


  1. Ooh! The photography challenge looks interesting. Is it something you're hosting and came up with, or is it just a random thing you found on the Interwebs that we can do whenever we want?
    I gets you about the mushrooms. :P

    - Ellie

    1. I found it on the interwebs indeed! I thought it might be fun to do.
      Those mushrooms....


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