Chocolate, Marshmallow Chicks and bunnies!


Sorry for not posting.
(And commenting on your blogs)
*Walks to the corner of shame*

I kind of have no excuse for myself, except that I've started Once Upon A Time. And I literally watched it for four hours last night.
I'm a little tired...

And, Today is Easter! Happy Easter (If that's what you're supposed to say)! Easter is actually one of my favorite holidays. My family celebrates when the Easter Bunny comes and leaves eggs all over the house. We (my brother and sister and I) have to find them. Then we get chocolate and Peeps and more chocolate.

Tonight we're also having an Easter dinner of ham and deviled egg (Chicks) and salad. My mom's also making pineapple upside down cake. So, those are my big plans for today.

I'll be trying to post more; I have spring break this week. My family and I are going camping on Friday to Sunday so I may do a post on that when I get back. (I won't be able to post on those days: we can't have electronic devices on this trip, according to my parents.)

I hope you didn't mind my wordy post.

Happy Easter!
I got honorable mention for Hannah's Writing contest!


  1. Congratulations on the writing contest! :D
    Sounds like you'll have a ton of fun! :) My parents give me a basket containing tons of chocolate and a book or movie. We don't do egg hunts, though it would be fun. :(
    Then we go over to my grandma's house for brunch, where we'll have apple pancakes and Italian sausage scrambled eggs, among other things. :)
    Happy Easter!

    - Ellie

    1. Thanks Ellie!
      I love chocolate!
      OOOOh! I love Italian sausage!
      Happy Easter!

  2. *pulls you out of corner of shame*
    Happy Easter! I get to be the Easter bunny this year and hide eggs all over grandma's house for my little cousins.
    I recently discovered that deviled eggs are indeed NOT work of the devil and are quite nice, actually. So I made myself some of those yesterday with the eggs we had already dyed with my other cousins.
    So today we'll visit mom's side of the family, who are big meat eaters and there will probably be steak involved ('cause ham is just kind of gross).
    Oh boy camping! I love camping when you wake up all warm and cozy in your sleeping bag and the air is cold on your face and you hear birds chirping or people at other sites trying robe quiet at making breakfast.
    It's a simpler kind of life, cooking things over the fire and grabbing twice-worn sweats from your backpack. I am very fond of it (most likely because what we do is borderline glamping)
    But my uncle wants to take me and my brother backpacking, and I hear that that is far more hard core.
    Have a good trip! And if you're going someplace pretty you could take pictures for us. ( is a camera an electronic device?)


    1. Happy Easter!
      Deviled eggs are nice!
      I love camping too.
      I think I will bring my camera...I hope it isn't and electronic device...


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