A Day In The Life of Emily


 themoonphase:  morg-ana:  autumn, astrology ☾✵☽ witchcraft, winter  ॐ The Hippie Treehouse ॐ

5:30- My "Natural" alarm clock wakes me up (i.e. the chirping birds)

6:00-I actually get out of bed and start to get ready for school (instead of lounging around as I read books and/or blog posts.

7:20-By now I'm ready to go to my bus stop, a few blocks away. My mom drives me there in the mornings.

7:35(ish)- The bus comes and I get on.

8:30-I have about an hour bus ride as I try to read and not be completely P.O. by the little kids on my bus. (I go to a nerd academy for 2nd to 8th grade. They make us ride one bus together and back) It's a struggle.

8:35-School starts. Here's an over view of my school schedule:
Bell 1-2: Honnors 1 Algebra/ Adv. English
Bell 3: French 1
Bell 4: Art
Bell 5: Lunch and Focus (Study hall)
Bell 6: P.E.
Bell 7-8: History/ Physical Science

School ends at 3:50.

4:00- I ride the bus home. I swear the little brats are more annoying than ever during the bus ride home.

4:40(ish)-The bus get's to my stop. I walk home until...

4:55(ish)- I usually get home.

5:00- I try to start my homework until dinner.

6:00- Dinner.

6:30- Dance/ Home Work/ reading/blogging

8:00- Once Upon a Time Tv watching

10:00-By then I go to bed. 
So that was kind of the schedule of my school day, bu every day is different. Fridays and Thursdays I'm WAY more busy with dance. To the point that I don't eat dinner until, like 9:00. I guess my day is kind of boring. Oh well.



  1. Cool schedule! You do dance too? Awesome! I do ballet, but I like choreographing to music by myself as well.

    1. Thanks Kathryn! Yep. I love to do ballet! Me too.

  2. Very interesting post! :) Ugh, an hour ride to school? That must be awful. :P
    I loved this! You should definitely do more - like of a day during the summer, a day when family visits, etc.

    - Ellie

    1. Thanks Ellie! It is pretty horrible.
      I'm glad you liked! I think I'll definitely do more f\of these posts!

  3. My district is so small that the high, elementary, and middle school all share busses. My ride is an hour long too (even though my house is 18 minutes away, which makes me mad) and the little kids started picking up some VERY nasty terms from the high schoolers. I hated everyone on that bus, but would put up with it if I got to go to a nerd academy.
    I wanted to go to Sami (science and math institute) in Tacoma with my cousin and we could have had a great nerdy time doing sciencey environmental stuff at point defiance.
    But we have no way for me to get there, so I'll be going to my stupid normal high school next year. >: (
    I need a nerd academy. There are too many people around me who just don't give a rip about school and it's frustrating.


    I like this kind of post, learning about the blogger.


    1. Same here. My house is super close too. That's what all the teachers talk about to us- not saying bad stuff around the kids, but I don't give a crap about that because if anything they're the people who cuss and stuff.
      Enviromental stuff sounds really cool. Sorry you can't go there. :( I find that frustrating too when kids don't care about school. I'm trying for a dance academy which will take place of my elective at a language school I want to go to. The city I live in is pretty big and has country side next to a small city next to beaches and everything else in between. There's a lot of schools I can try for.
      I'm glad you liked that post though!

  4. Your life is busier than mine for sure. wait a second...I have no life. ; )

    1. ;)
      I am pretty sure you have a life. But thank you!


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