Books & Reading Challenge


 Hey Everyone. The lovely Kelsey has tagged me for this book challenge. Thanks Kelsey! 


  • You must answer all the questions 
  • Repost the picture with a link to Noor's blog and the person's blog who tagged you
  • You may tag people if you would like, but it isn't required.

1. TBR (To be read)? 

I am Four by Pittacus Lore. My friend gave it to me today and I'm thinking about starting it. Also Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.

2. Book (series) you would like to see as a movie?
I just finished reading The Beginning of Everything. It was a nice novel, and since I can't think of anything else, I'll go with that.
3. Overhyped book/author?
Uhhhh. I don't know? I think underhyped would be Cinder.

4. The best book series you will ever read?
How many can I pick again?
I'd say Cinder because the plot is strong throughout and I love the characters.

5. Book to movie adaption that was really bad?
Insurgent. The movie was NOTHING like the book. 

6. Books that just made you cry?

I tried (very hard) not to cry during Aligent. (I flailed) 
I also cried because of this one novel in 3rd grade. (I forget the name) Plus when I was in first grade when I read Because of Winn-Dixie.

7. Book you're reading right now? Give it a quick rating. 

Right now I've just read The beginning of everything. I give it a 9/10 because I hated the ending. Other than that, it was pretty good.

8. A book series that you just didn't like? 

I don't know. I definitely don't remember hating any books. I'll have to get back to you on that.

9. Book that you haven't read yet, but really need to?

I really need to read Where she went. I read If I stay ages ago. I just haven't gotten around to it.

10. What's your favorite children's book?
If you give a pig a pancake. Best book in the world. (To my five year old self)
 Tagged People:

My Tenth Question: The same one I had to answer.


  1. Yes! If you give a pig a pancake she will want some syrup to go with it! And there's bubble baths and blanket forts involved! That was one of my favorite kids books of all time.
    We have a lot of kids books like that because mom used to be an elementary school writing teacher.

    1. Yes! The best things in the world: Pancakes, baths and forts!
      I loved those types of books!

  2. I love if you give a pig a pancake! :) although I think my favorite of those would have to be one of the moose ones. I forget what it was.
    Hmm. I have been hearing a lot of good things about this Cinder recently. I shall have to check it out.

    - Ellie

    1. Me too! I can't remember too. Is it something with jam?
      You should! Cinder is an amazing book (series)


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