Facing the issues of society no. 2~ A popularity contest


 "School elections should be annonymous," My friend Gabby said as we walked down the hall today.  "It should be about the issues, not who's more 'popular'"
 "Yeah," I replied, "But in middle school, what issues are there?"
 Yep, it's that time of year again: homemade posters taped crookedly to the wall. Buttons and flyers shoved into your face left in right. School Council elections. When I heard that you could sign up to campaign, I figured it would be the same as every year since 1st grade-you watch a video of their speeches and pick out of some random handful of kids. Some you know, some you don't. Nope. Not this year.

 To make 7th grade so, so much more dramatic, my friends are running against each other. Ekene and Alex are both running for *gasps!* president. Vivian* and Kendall are running for secretary. Oh yes, things are now complicated. 

But not too complicated.

Here's a secret: Alex isn't really my friend. She's purposely mean to everyone of my friends except Ekene. And everyone knows it. Even people who aren't in our 'circle'. We're the only people she's got to hang out with. Yet, she is still mean.

And, even though Vivian is nice, she super quiet so not a lot of people know her.

On the other hand Ekene (my friend from Facing the issues of society no. 1) has a really funny speech and lot's of people know her. Even if she is popular, she's nice to EVERYONE. Kendall is kinda well known too.

I have my guess on who's going to win. 
Because, when it comes down to it, middle school elections are just a popularity contest.     
N.b.  I was going to post this last night but my laptop shut down. Sorry.  


    Yeah, I feel like at my school there are two groups of people: the Populars (approximately 2/3 of the class) and the Others (so named because we're all so different we can't really all fit into categories like Geeks or Nerds (my group of people, the rest of the class)). My group doesn't give crap about popularity, we just like to have friends that we get along with and be able to do our thing. The Populars, on the other hand, are always bullying each other, spreading rumors, etc., trying to get to the top of the social pyramid. Like, I'll just me sitting in art class and they'll all whip out their phones next to me and being all,
    "OMG, Amy didn't follow my Instagram when I followed her. She's totally jealous I'm dating Drew."
    "Um, did you hear that Tara cheats on tests? Yeah. And also she stole my boyfriend. You should totally tell everyone."
    "Wait, how come he's friends with her now? We're supposed to be friends. Ugh. Backstabber."
    I feel like they all need to hop on over here to your establishment and take a look at the first photo.

    - Ellie

    1. :D
      I could hear those "Populars" voices as we talked.
      And I agree, some people need to wake up and smell the coffee.

  2. Yeah- those school elections are messed up.
    It's usually the popular extroverts that want the job in the first place, So that weeds out 3/4ths of the school. And then someone from the nerd side of the force could try to join, but they would only be voted for by their friends.
    And then there are other factors like who their friend are and how cool their poster is, but NO ONE thinks about if they could actually do the job or not.

    I agree with ellie. From where I stand, it looks HARD to be a popular person for all those reasons ellie stated.
    Plus I just don't get the things they talk about- stealing boyfriends and such. I am much happier on the need side of the force, where we talk about the avengers and make dumb jokes.

    I like these social noticings that you do.

    1. I like that-nerd force:)
      it does look hard-this one girl has a HORRIBLE reputation. And no one knows what's true about her.
      Thanks Gwen. It's kind fun noticing this stuff:D

    2. The Avenger Nerds shall always conquer the evil Populars. They may have an army, but we've got a hulk.
      I agree. I think it's much better to be genuinely happy about who you are and feel good around your friends, even if they're few, than to throw happiness away for "popularity". Because traditionally, popularity is when a lot of people like you - but nowadays, being popular seems to mean nobody liking you at all.

      - Ellie

      - Ellie

    3. YES!
      I think it's like how money can't buy you happiness: tons of followers (not even real friends) can't make you happy.
      That is so true.

  3. Ergh, I had this issue when I was in school. I don't know if things are much different now, but let me tell you it always bothered me how the popular people or *coff* *coff* the daughter of the headteacher *coff* shouldn't be able to win such things just because they are popular or they have a parent working in school. I actually went to two different secondary schools, and both of them had students that had parents working in the school. One school the student got LOTS of benefits and she was treated extremely different from us, the other school the boy was treated equally and only won something when he deserved it. I completely agree with this post! This should be anonymous, so it would be fair.
    And I am not even going to get started at the popular annoying people, that bullies everybody else that isn't "cool", ergghh, school is such a nightmare -.-" I am so glad it's over for me. Unfortunately, there are so many issues with the school system that this can't even be called as a big one huh? :/ Sorry to hear that you are going through this, by the way! But, I will tell you that everything gets better, I promise =)

    Paranoid Puppet
    @ paranoidpuppets.blogspot.co.uk

  4. Ugh. I hate it when teachers in general play favorites. Even more so when the students act like teachers pets.
    Thanks, and I'll remember that:)

  5. One thing I certainly don't miss about public school is the different social classes. It was, and still is, ridiculous to me that people that young have "boyfriends" and are able to converse about the things they do. What's sadder still to me is hearing about what some of the old classmates I went to school with have gotten into because they've let entitlement and being invincible get to their heads.
    Even now, just attending public places, it's so easy to spot out those who fit into the "popular" category. Their personalities and morals are absolute trash, and I don't think I'll ever understand what makes a person think they have the rights to act that way.
    School things such as this should certainly be anonymous and based upon what a person plans to do for their school, not how many people they know.
    I really like this series of posts. Gives people something to think about. =)
    xo Adi

    1. I hate it when people in my grade are 'going out' (And too be annoying, I ask "Going where?") This one girl NEVER talked to her boyfriend, not even when they had classes together. I go to a slightly nerdier school, but at my friends regular public school, kids kiss in the hallways kiss and all that junk.
      I agree. The girls who giggle loud and tash ther friends when they shop for clothes are fairly easy to see that they're popular. I don't understand that either.
      I'm glad you like this series of posts. It's a lot of fun to do:)


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