Love Overflowing #11


~Things I've been loving lately~
Air Conditioning.
Double Dutch.
Making it through the day.
Spaghetti and toasted garlic bread.
The end of school is near.
Truth be told, this post was hard to write.
Lately I've been feeling this type of pain from sadness.
I've been tired all the time no matter how much I sleep.
I try to stay positive, but it's hard.
It doesn't help that the teachers are piling homework and tests and projects on us.
And the hardest part about school is that no matter how hard I try my best in math is a c. In French, a B. I study and I complete home work like I'm supposed to, but I just can't do any better. 
At this point, all I can look to is that in about 5 weeks, I'll be out of school.
That's kind of my explanation for my un-posting.
I'm sorry if I just brought a cloud around to rain on your parade. 
What have you been loving lately?


  1. Yup I'm there with you.
    I've been so tired lately and I have no idea why.
    I find it rather activating that were doing state testing and projects all at this time.
    I haven't felt like doing homework for a long time...

    I guess we can hold out.

    But I'm going to horn in on my brothers cub scouts tonight, so that should be fun. Last time we chaced eachother around my woods with big sticks.


    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
      I haven't either.

      We can hold out.

      Chasing people with sticks are fun.
      And I do love the woods.

    2. Oops I ment to say agrivating, not activating. I hate you, Auto correct!

    3. That's ok.
      I did wonder though...
      and yes, stupid auto correct.

  2. I've been feeling that way too, tbh. It sucks, doesn't it!

    - Ellie

    1. Yeah, and it does suck. I call it EOYS (end of year syndrome)


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