Before I Left


Amandaline lays on the musty couch
Paler, thinner, weaker than usual.
She wears an itchy, wool winter cap she always said she hated.
Although it’s blue. Just like her eyes.
I try to chat to her at first, but after no response,
Momma comes over.

Baby, let your sister rest.
I try to refuse, but it’s no use.
She leads me to the back door.
Opens it with a Whapop
And nudges me out into the blazing summer sun.
Go play. I’ll call you when it’s time to come in.

Shielding my eyes, I glance around the yard.
Mostly grass and an uneven white fence around the yard.
A tree is planted in one corner.
Wild flowers sprout up here and there.

I stand under the looming oak tree,
Providing shade from the burning sun.
A rope swing hangs from a lower branch
Amandaline and I tied it up a while back.
I haven’t sat on it in forever.

The swing groans as it supports my weight.
A minute later the back door Whapops.
Eli trudges outside, grumbling to himself.
With a sigh, he rolls onto the grass.
Mom send you out here?
He nods, mutely.

Eli and I don’t do much outside.
alternating between laying in the grass
and sitting on the swing.
Listening to the birds sing
Watching the sticky, summer breezes rustle the leaves
Shaking the branches
like the illness that shook our family.

Eventually, the door Whapops
Mom pokes her head out.
Y’all can come back in.
Without saying a word,
Eli and I run back into the house.

Amandaline lays on the couch,
Just like before I left.  
I managed to text green bean for 2 hours last night.

I may die now.


  1. Oh! I didn't realize it was a series!
    It's kinda sad. I bed amandaline is going to die.

    I spent last weekend texting John The Star Guide Buddy. I became the goat overlord of the universe and we talked about art and 3D printing.
    I may happily die with you, if I liked John the same way you do green bean.

    1. I didn't realize it either until I kinda kept writing poems about the same characters.

      Honestly even I don't know that yet-at this point, I'm just letting words take me where they go.


    Stunning poem, btw. <3

  3. This is beautiful Emily! ❤


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